Recon Mikey

By Psykostevo, in Dust Tactics General Discussion

Here are the stats for it, along with a couple pics.




Nice! That is on my short list of walkers to get. I posted the pic of the stat card over on the Facebook group, hope you don't mind.

I don't mind. link please to join Facebook group!

The fact it can move 5 squares in first turn is pretty awesome. An it has great anti troop and anti aircraft ability.

Psykostevo said:

The fact it can move 5 squares in first turn is pretty awesome. An it has great anti troop and anti aircraft ability.

Wow, yeah, Scout and Fast, amazing 1st round movement. You just have to be careful it doesn't get lost all alone out there in the frontlines.

Or wait till your enemy gave away most of it's anti tank units and then get those pesky grenadiers where it hurts most:D Also i thin with those 2 options it could rain arty fire in the start of 2 round:P

^Thanks. Been looking

Lska said:

Or wait till your enemy gave away most of it's anti tank units and then get those pesky grenadiers where it hurts most:D Also i thin with those 2 options it could rain arty fire in the start of 2 round:P

Lots of possibilities and around 30pts v

30pts sounds a bit too cheap. I'd price it just about the same as the Mickey.

Yup, for some reason DT underestimates the power of the MG when point costing the models.

Yeah, they seem to think that not being able to hit walkers is some HUGE disadvantage.

Loophole Master said:

Yeah, they seem to think that not being able to hit walkers is some HUGE disadvantage.

Its not too bad when you toss in a unit of Tank Busters...maybe even with Ozz.

Nice model, did you buy it at a con or from the the Dust Model site?

The first time I saw this walker, I immediately imagined it fighting SSU infantry in the deep Florida Everglades... Ah...

With the woods rules released with Operation Ghostlight, the Recon Mickey would probably excel at not only thick city fighting but also heavily wooded terrain.

SGTManuel said:

Nice model, did you buy it at a con or from the the Dust Model site?

It was part of my prize allotment for winning Dust Day Arizona.

LotusPwn3r said:

The first time I saw this walker, I immediately imagined it fighting SSU infantry in the deep Florida Everglades... Ah...

With the woods rules released with Operation Ghostlight, the Recon Mickey would probably excel at not only thick city fighting but also heavily wooded terrain.

I also picture it being the boss of dense cover. Perfect unit for urban combat. Not only can it move and shoot like crazy, but it can call in the firepower from artillery units who are at a disadvantage on their own in that scenario.