To the Victor goes the spoils

By Psykostevo, in Dust Tactics General Discussion

Just returned home after having a blast at Vul-con and specifically Dust Day Arizona 2012. There was a live Skype session with Paulo Parente from his office in China, a painting competition, lots of open play, and a Tournament. There were participant prizes out the ying yang. I got a Premium Priest, a premium Otto, a premium Recon Mikey, 2 pairs of supercool aviator glasses, a Dust Comic, a Dust Postcard, an Axis Patch, Blue Ribbon Medal, 2 Canvas prints of the Dust Girls, set of SSU Decals, set of Japanese Decals, 1st Place Gold Anvil, Victor of Games plackard and other things.

Go support the game, it will support you back.
