Star Phantoms Chapter write-up

By Interrogator-Chaplain Regulus, in Deathwatch House Rules

I am currently working on a write-up for the Star Phantoms. They strike me as a very interesting Chapter, and I love that the revere the God-Emperor.

The Solo and Squad Mode Abilities are giving me trouble though. I do not have the Badab War books, so all of my information comes from the Wikis. Any ideas here would be very welcome. I have everything else down, at least in a rough format, but these have me stumped.

If you all would like, I can post the finished version once I'm done.

Feel free to provide ideas for any other area of Chapter rules, as nothing is set in stone yet.

Thanks in advance!

I'm not certain how much info is on the various wikis out there, but it seems the Star Phantoms REALLY like the use of ranged combat and heavy weapons. Maybe a squad mode that collectively boosts the effectiveness of several heavy weapons in the squad and a solo mode that enhances magnitude damage and adds/enhances devastating values and increases the short/medium/long ranges of ranged weapons?

Thanks! I really like the Devastating idea. That seems to capture the "overwhelming force" concept very well. I think for squad modes I'll look into some of the other Chapters. I know both the Dark Angels and Salamanders have good long range Squad Modes.

You know, I might think about switching those around. A squad mode that improves Devastating/Magnitude damage and such might fit a bit better.