Conflict at the Carrock (2 Player Living Tournament)

By juicebox, in Player community

This tournament is part of the Living Tournament system. You are welcome to read this, play the scenario, and post your results (in that order). Place well enough, and you may just end up with a Living Tournament World Ranking !

Scenario: Conflict at the Carrock
Deck Parameters: Open Build*
Number of Players: 2 Players

Tournament Parameters:

1) This is a Living Tournament. You may play and post results at your own pace.
2) *Open Build means you may use any legal LOTR LCG cards at your availability.
3) A valid result in this tournament consists of reporting your results (wins and losses) from 3 back-to-back games (may be spread out over as much time as you like), using the same deck for each of those 3 games. (Please observe the mulligan rule, and all other rules, from the LOTR LCG rulebook and subsequent official FAQ documents.)
4) After you post your results, the results from your 3 games will be calibrated using the RGun formula** to obtain your Weighted Result.
5) Weighted Results will then be ranked against other player’s Weighted Results, and the rankings will be updated over time as new results are posted to the thread.
6) You may play this tournament as many times as you would like (so you can try out different deck builds over time), but you can only hold one spot in the overall tournament rankings at a time (i.e. this gives you a chance to try and best your own result while only occupying one spot in the rankings).
7) Do not cheat. Just don’t. It destroys the fun and integrity of the tournament system. If you realize you have made a mistake at a later date that had serious implications for a result you had posted in the past, please make a new post in this thread drawing attention to that fact – that past result will be invalidated, and of course, you are welcome (and highly encouraged) to try again.

**The RGun formula has been designed to value both Final Score (per game) and overall Win Ratio (from your 3 games, cumulative). The formula is: (Average Score of Games Won) x (Total Games Played/Games Won). For an expanded discussion on how this formula was created, you can read the thread called Measuring Success .

Posting Your Results (Required Information):

When posting your results for this tournament you are encouraged to cut and paste from the following template and complete the requested information:

Heroes for Each Player:

Game 1 Result: (Report Final Score or Loss)
Final Threat Level for Each Player:
Threat Cost of Each Dead Hero:
Damage Tokens on Remaining Heroes:
Victory Points Earned:
Number of Rounds Completed:

Game 2 Result: (Report Final Score or Loss)
Final Threat Level for Each Player:
Threat Cost of Each Dead Hero:
Damage Tokens on Remaining Heroes:
Victory Points Earned:
Number of Rounds Completed:

Game 3 Result: (Report Final Score or Loss)
Final Threat Level for Each Player:
Threat Cost of Each Dead Hero:
Damage Tokens on Remaining Heroes:
Victory Points Earned:
Number of Rounds Completed:

Posting Your Results (Optional Information):

After completing the above, you are welcome to include any other details you would like to add. Some suggested ideas are: your specific available card pool (number of Core Sets used, specific Adventure Packs used, etc…) and additional narrative to share epic tales of your adventures through Middle-earth.

Living Tournament Rankings:

1. jjeagle ~ 119.33 (May 12, 2012)
2. rborkowitz ~ 121.66 (August 30, 2012)
3. theNat ~ 165.75 (July 29, 2012)
4. Migwald ~ 291 (December 24, 2012)
5. Doogan ~ 396 (October 8, 2012)

Last Updated:

January 26, 2013 (3:04am) [FFG Time - Forum Time Stamp]

Home Link:

Living Tournament Library & World Rankings

Heroes for Each Player: Aragorn, Elrohir, Beravor; Elladan, Frodo, Eowyn

Game 1 Result: 104
Final Threat Level for Each Player: 22, 24
Threat Cost of Each Dead Hero: 0, 0
Damage Tokens on Remaining Heroes: 1, 0
Victory Points Earned: 3
Number of Rounds Completed: 6

Game 2 Result: 132
Final Threat Level for Each Player: 37, 32
Threat Cost of Each Dead Hero: 0, 0
Damage Tokens on Remaining Heroes: 8, 2
Victory Points Earned: 7
Number of Rounds Completed: 6

Game 3 Result: 122
Final Threat Level for Each Player: 32, 38
Threat Cost of Each Dead Hero: 0, 0
Damage Tokens on Remaining Heroes: 2, 0
Victory Points Earned: 10
Number of Rounds Completed: 6

Posting Your Results (Optional Information): Cards from 3 x Core, 2 x KD, all APs up to and including TWITW.

Heroes for Each Player: Eowyn/Elladan/Boromir + Elrohir/Prince Imrahil/Bilbo Baggins

Game 1 Result: 108
Final Threat Level for Each Player: 26+38
Threat Cost of Each Dead Hero: 0
Damage Tokens on Remaining Heroes: 3+1
Victory Points Earned: 0
Number of Rounds Completed: 4

Game 2 Result: 113
Final Threat Level for Each Player: 36+34
Threat Cost of Each Dead Hero: 0
Damage Tokens on Remaining Heroes: 0+3
Victory Points Earned: 0
Number of Rounds Completed: 4

Game 3 Result: Loss

Posting Your Results (Optional Information): Card's Pool: CSx1; KD x1; Shadows of Mirkwood AP's x6, Dwarrowdelf AP's - tRG, RtR, tWitW. Such a beautiful tragedy. 1st and 2bd game was pretty nice, quick, with low final score and totaly controled by player. 3rd game - 1st round one Sacked!. I next round two another. And yeah, Roasted Slowly at horizont. Shoot me.

Heroes for Each Player: Aragorn (Lore), Boromir, Beravor / Glorfindel, Elladan, Elrohir

Game 1 Result: 121
Final Threat Level for Each Player: 23/18
Threat Cost of Each Dead Hero: 0/0
Damage Tokens on Remaining Heroes: 0/0
Victory Points Earned: 10
Number of Rounds Completed: 9

Game 2 Result: 107
Final Threat Level for Each Player: 12/11
Threat Cost of Each Dead Hero: 0/0
Damage Tokens on Remaining Heroes: 0/0
Victory Points Earned: 6
Number of Rounds Completed: 9

Game 3 Result: 137
Final Threat Level for Each Player: 21/30
Threat Cost of Each Dead Hero: 0/0
Damage Tokens on Remaining Heroes: 0/0
Victory Points Earned: 4
Number of Rounds Completed: 9

Posting Your Results: Decks were constructed of cards from all sets currently available.

Heroes for Each Player:

Gloin, Glorfindel, Dain

Denethor, Gimli, Legolas

Game 1 Result: Loss
Final Threat Level for Each Player:
Threat Cost of Each Dead Hero:
Damage Tokens on Remaining Heroes:
Victory Points Earned:
Number of Rounds Completed:

Game 2 Result: Loss
Final Threat Level for Each Player:
Threat Cost of Each Dead Hero:
Damage Tokens on Remaining Heroes:
Victory Points Earned:
Number of Rounds Completed:

Game 3 Result: 132
Final Threat Level for Each Player: 31, 40
Threat Cost of Each Dead Hero: 0
Damage Tokens on Remaining Heroes: 4
Victory Points Earned: 3
Number of Rounds Completed: 6

Posting Your Results (Optional Information):

Glorfindel from FoS. Sets owned: Corex2, all mirkwood cycle, KDx1, RG, FoS. Played two more games with these decks winning one (score 140) and losing one. Need to rethink the deck strategy I was using and come back to the quest later.

Heroes for Each Player: Denethor, Eowyn & Eleanor/Thalin, Brand & Theodred

Game 1 Result: 155
Final Threat Level for Each Player:32/33
Threat Cost of Each Dead Hero:-
Damage Tokens on Remaining Heroes:-
Victory Points Earned:0
Number of Rounds Completed:9

Game 2 Result: Loss

Game 3 Result: 233
Final Threat Level for Each Player: 49/46
Threat Cost of Each Dead Hero:-
Damage Tokens on Remaining Heroes:0/4
Victory Points Earned:16
Number of Rounds Completed:15

Cards available: 1 x Core Set and all 6 Mirkwood Adventure Packs