Video Instruction Guides

By Tromdial, in The Crystal Ball and The Wishing Well

My suggestion is FFG advances its products with official videos on their site and youtube that teaches the rules visually. This way the rules come in both pdf, booklet with game, and a visual and audio guide on how to play.

Critics, consumers, and friends of those consumers have been known to complain about the length of the instruction booklets. Personally, having read Android twice over and was still confused about a few things, and as I now read Fury of Dracula, feeling a little overwhelmed, I believe FFG could really make a solid investment in quality by releasing some solid film instruction on their new releases. It would also just make it so much easier if I could facebook my friends these instructions so they feel officially informed, especially because most games are competitive between players.

Putting a recognizable face on FFG that hosts and instructs how to play new games, discusses new releases, and does interviews and FFG event coverage will help publicize your company. Pladhat games in affiliation with dice tower already does audio podcasts. If you do video media, I believe you guys can take your company to the next level.