Expansions for Noobs

By Shawny39, in Battlelore

I am new to Battlelore and am hooked already. Just wondeirng if all the expansions can be bought and played in any order?


Aside from a few scenarios and some Call to Arms tie-ins that are included in some of the FFG released expansions, none of the expansions really require having another to play - though many do benefit from Call to Arms and Epic, which along with Heroes are the three expansions that really alter the game play aside from adding new units.

The last three figure expansions, Horrific Horde, Bearded Brave, and Code of Chivalry, do include some Call to Arms deployment cards that contain units from the Days of Wonder figure expansions. So in that sense, in order to use every element included in those expansions, one would want to have those units (proxy works just as well for me...)