Card Draw?

By Da_ghetto_gamer, in UFS General Discussion

Can anyone name any cards(without me having 2 go through that would draw me cards in either death or fire?

Im building Promo Pyron because its so fun to be able 2 control your opponents turns and what they draw into but i keep getting killed before i can mill my opponent or at least kill them with damage the attack line up isnt so spiffy im right now running the hawk as a death/fire attack and thats sad :(

So does anyone have any ideas ive already seen vast resources and fight for the future but that allows my opponent 2 draw as well i need something that draws for just me or at least is an advantage 2 me more then my opponent

Anything remotely good is appriciated block 3 is what i want more but for now its a block 2 deck so i can live with that for now

Regal Bearing, Shotokan, Silent Step, Son of a Farmer, Struggle Within, Whirled Champion.


Brazilian Heritage (your opponent gets to see what you draw though).

Calm But Deadly (specially if you're going to use actions to draw).

Exist Within (action side)

And don't forget, you could use Luna's cheerleading to get all those actions out of your card pool and use 'em again on a later turn.

Ready for Anything - Of an attack, commit it and a foundation to draw 2 cards.

Ken's Training - Granted, you mill yourself out fast as your opponent likely will pick the thing that will disadvantage you most, but if you go "Attacks/Foundations" you'll get a solid 2/3 cards per KT.