Heya guys! I have a question and I was hoping the collective wisdom on this forum could help me.
In the rules for Lightning Claws, it states "Lightning Claws do an additional point of damage per Degree of Success on the Attack roll. When used as a pair, they instead do 2 points of damage per Degree of Success".
I understand how this works for a standard attack action, but how does this rule interact with Lightning Attack? Since each DoS is an additional hit, does this rule mean that each hit does an additional 2 points of damage? Also, does a target's parry/dodge successes lower this extra damage as well? For example: let's say an attacker uses Lightning Attack and scores 5 DoS. That means they land 5 hit with +10 damage. What if the target parries 3 of those hits, does this mean the attacker lands 2 hits with +2 damage/hit, or does he land 2 hits with +5 damage/hit? In other words, do evasion successes lower this extra damage from Lightning Claws?
Cheers, thanks for the help guys!