The Odd Couple >>> Halflings and Ogres for Hero's Call

By FFG DanielC, in WFRP Archived Announcements

Living amongst the humans of the Empire, but never quite accepted, are two wildly different races united by a fixation on eating. Hero's Call introduces halflings and ogres as player character races. Meet some of these new faces here .

Hero's Call is a new expansion featuring new options for player characters of all ranks, and high-level play. You can read the announcement here .

Enjoy the game!

Awesome, now if would just be delivered to my mailbox :)

Excellent. Love the Gut Plate rules.

I really enjoyed the sample characters as well. it gives a good sense of place for the new races which would otherwise be a little difficult to insert into the day-to-day life in the empire. I still struggle a bit with having ogres wandering the streets, but i think i'll manage =)

Cant wait


Okay, we already knew about the two new races in Hero's Call. Still, this is one of the best and most beautiful and useful announcements ever!!

Please keep content like that coming. Appetizer + preview + background material. This is awesome!

Go man-eater! How many halflings does an ogre have to eat to be sated?


I wonder how advancing to new careers will be handled for the two new races?

Will they provide a list of all the existing careers which are suitable for each race, and any new careers will then have Ogre or Halfling included on the career card when appropriate, or will it be some general ruling, such as an Ogre can take any career available to Humans that also has the menial trait.

I suspect the former, but the latter would be cleaner - I hate the idea of having to refer to a rulebook for something when playing WFRP 3rd ed! :)

pumpkin said:

I wonder how advancing to new careers will be handled for the two new races?

Will they provide a list of all the existing careers which are suitable for each race, and any new careers will then have Ogre or Halfling included on the career card when appropriate, or will it be some general ruling, such as an Ogre can take any career available to Humans that also has the menial trait.

I suspect the former, but the latter would be cleaner - I hate the idea of having to refer to a rulebook for something when playing WFRP 3rd ed! :)

They covered this in the reckless dice podcast. Ogres can take any career that humans and dwarves can take, but the career has to have both those races on it. Halflings can take any career that humans can.

Superchunk said:

Halflings can take any career that humans can.

Didnt they also say it also had to have the 'menial' or 'rogue' trait? ... or was that just my imagination?

Superchunk said:

Ogres can take any career that humans and dwarves can take

It's interesting to note that the article says that all Ogres take Ogre Maneater as their first career (it's the caption under the career).

Doc, the Weasel said:

It's interesting to note that the article says that all Ogres take Ogre Maneater as their first career (it's the caption under the career).

Yep. All ogres come to the Empire having two legged rational creatures for breakfast. Or four-legged, for that matter. now that everybody is happy whit new races and advanced careers...can FFG finally focus on what really matter: new complete adventures to actually push players THAT far?! eeeeh? ;)
Been here in a while, and seems nothing really big happened to this game...

So, can you actually just say it's released so Amazon will finally send me the blasted thing? This is starting to get REALLY frustrating.

The funny thing with adding two new races, even those now have more options than High and Wood Elves for careers past rank 1. I mean REALLY? Can someone PLEASE tell me there is an Elf Supplement even in the works? Every other race now has magic and advanced careers, while of the starting races have been totally excluded from any attention at all. Please, I love this game, but leaving the elves stuck at start is just wrong. The Dwarven Slayer has 2 career advancements, while the Elven Sword Master has none.

pendergast4 said:

The funny thing with adding two new races, even those now have more options than High and Wood Elves for careers past rank 1. I mean REALLY? Can someone PLEASE tell me there is an Elf Supplement even in the works? Every other race now has magic and advanced careers, while of the starting races have been totally excluded from any attention at all. Please, I love this game, but leaving the elves stuck at start is just wrong. The Dwarven Slayer has 2 career advancements, while the Elven Sword Master has none.

You have got a point in your comment. I had similar concerns, consequently I did a High Elf supplement where I gathered information from different official sources. You may be interested on giving it a look. Of course these are house rules and are made to fit my taste, whcih can be very different from yours, but still, you may find some inspiration for your games which can heal the pain while we wait for an official supplement.


The supplements you made are quite nice and high quality. Hopefully FFG will take them at least as a starting point or at least a hint.