Here the news. It seems like they're putting a lot of efforts in expanding this great game :-) Glad to read these news
New expansion pack available
Julia said:
Here the news. It seems like they're putting a lot of efforts in expanding this great game :-) Glad to read these news
Indeed, Julia. Deathwings will be so welcome in my collection but with me buying this new 36 card set (and having all other PoDs), I am starting to wonder how I will comfortably fit all these cards in my Death Angel core box. Guess I am going to have to sacrifice my box insert. Any storing advice?
Unfortunately, if you use the card sleeves, you can't fit everything in the box anymore. I'm already using rubber bands to keep my box closed, but now I think I'll need separate storage for the dice and tokens. One more release and I'll have to ditch the box entirely.
As gamers, we are never happy are we? They don't support a game, we moan about it. They put the effort in, we complain about how the box isn't big enough to hold all our cards. We're a funny bunch.
Zerodemon said:
As gamers, we are never happy are we? They don't support a game, we moan about it. They put the effort in, we complain about how the box isn't big enough to hold all our cards. We're a funny bunch.
A true dilemma. You should watch a film called Revolver with Jason Stathem and how being unsatisfied goes further than just boardgames. Thankfully getting my cards nice and tight in a box is the most grievance I have with my life at this moment.
Tromdial said:
Indeed, Julia. Deathwings will be so welcome in my collection but with me buying this new 36 card set (and having all other PoDs), I am starting to wonder how I will comfortably fit all these cards in my Death Angel core box. Guess I am going to have to sacrifice my box insert. Any storing advice?
I tend to store all sleeved cards in deck boxes, so the original box never overflows, cause it's almost empty.
(and sorry everyone, it seems like there was already a thread about this announcement that I didn't notice)
I somehow missed the original thread too. This is great news. I love, love, LOVE this game. It's the closest I've ever gotten to the boardgame which I desperately want to play. Any new additions are welcome. order the new pack!
can anyone post the abilities to see how they work
A new expansion pack is always good news, but now it is the 4th PoD pack
Will you create a real expansion box ? (better quality, less expensive for players ...)
Would be really great, toady I just have the 2 first PoD and I'm just wondering wether I get the 2 others or not ...
Agreed. A POD expansions box is also on my wishlist. Perhaps a token upgrade or even something that adds a 3d element to the game. Such as a docking station for the draw / tyranid / location cards at the top of the corridor. Some kind of plastic card holder. That would be a sweet combo! Not sure my box can handle the two newest expansions either. The original box is comfortibly full. However a NEW box for more expansions would be mighty fine.
new docking station + tokens + space for the POD expansions. I WANT IT NOW!
armakis said:
A new expansion pack is always good news, but now it is the 4th PoD pack
Will you create a real expansion box ? (better quality, less expensive for players ...)
Would be really great, toady I just have the 2 first PoD and I'm just wondering wether I get the 2 others or not ...
Which 2 do you have? As the owner of the Marine Pack 1, Mission Pack 1, and Tyranid pack, I can tell you all are worth while, not to mention the obvious replay value of the new one (soon-to-be-mine) that gives you six new teams. The Marine Pack 1 is nice in that it gives you Black and Brown teams. Black is good for refacing primarily and Brown for extra support and high-percentile chance of killing 3 gene-stealers with main guy. Both have squeezed me out of big in-game predicaments. Mission Pack 1 gives some nice new floors and more variety to travel and has Adrenal-stealers. Tyranid pack is great as it replaces your gene-stealers and gives the game much more veteran feel, plus it throws in 4 new end-game floor cards, one with a Chthulu-looking boss that slides around the formation.
I too encourage an official expansion that will accomodate my overflowing box, and I could care less if the new cards were the same PoD quality. Heck, if anything the game should be re-released so all card quality matches.
uhm .. can these new teams mix with the original ones or you can use only the marines of this chapter .?. i checked some photos and i noticed they are using identical colors with the previous teams..
Cthonian said:
uhm .. can these new teams mix with the original ones or you can use only the marines of this chapter .?. i checked some photos and i noticed they are using identical colors with the previous teams..
They say you are to choose one or the other but if you look carefully you can differentiate which is old and which is new, able to play alongside one another. Notice the white-black caution line on the new guys versus the yellow-black on the old. Plus, there card textures are different.
Tromdial said:
Cthonian said:
uhm .. can these new teams mix with the original ones or you can use only the marines of this chapter .?. i checked some photos and i noticed they are using identical colors with the previous teams..
They say you are to choose one or the other but if you look carefully you can differentiate which is old and which is new, able to play alongside one another. Notice the white-black caution line on the new guys versus the yellow-black on the old. Plus, there card textures are different.
yes you are right .. ! i did n't check this carefully .. i want the new team so much , i have all the previous ones and i need their extra firepower against the mighty tyranids..!!
This outstanding game keeps getting better!
After a few sessions, the new gray and new red teams really stand out for me. Menalauis' hellfire attack is really versatile and the red team's gun servitor and servo arm are very useful.
Green and purple are also good, but the yellow and blue teams are a bit underpowered in my opinion.
Someone asked if the old teams could be mixed with the new ones : at first glance it doesn't look like we are supposed to do it (the numbers in the upper left corner of the action cards don't match), but it would be easy to work this out.
Good job FFG!
Berf said:
After a few sessions, the new gray and new red teams really stand out for me. Menalauis' hellfire attack is really versatile and the red team's gun servitor and servo arm are very useful.
Green and purple are also good, but the yellow and blue teams are a bit underpowered in my opinion.
Someone asked if the old teams could be mixed with the new ones : at first glance it doesn't look like we are supposed to do it (the numbers in the upper left corner of the action cards don't match), but it would be easy to work this out.
So I got my pack today and played it, and this is the first PoD expansion that I was pretty well disappointed. For me, blue and yellow are severely underpowered, and the rest of the groups are, at best, on par with what the other teams are (if not slightly weaker).
You can play these guys with your other space marines of even the same color. What we did was (after playing the set a 6 team game with the new guys) take their initiative order and imagine a C next to it, similar to how Marine Pack 1 handles initiative. The card texture and border color of white-black differentiate well enough not to mix.
After playing with them two consecutive games, I can say the new guys are missing anything that would help them reface, tactically affect the board, or do statistically decent chance of kill. I would only recommend this PoD for two reasons: 1) you collect Death Angel, no excuses, or 2) you want more challenge. As a veteran who plays Death Angel and wins around 66% against Genestealers and am undefeated against Tyranids (dozen Tyranid matches!), we lost both times tonight against regular gene-stealers with the new crew. Buy at your own discretion.
Tromdial said:
Berf said:
After a few sessions, the new gray and new red teams really stand out for me. Menalauis' hellfire attack is really versatile and the red team's gun servitor and servo arm are very useful.
Green and purple are also good, but the yellow and blue teams are a bit underpowered in my opinion.
Someone asked if the old teams could be mixed with the new ones : at first glance it doesn't look like we are supposed to do it (the numbers in the upper left corner of the action cards don't match), but it would be easy to work this out.
So I got my pack today and played it, and this is the first PoD expansion that I was pretty well disappointed. For me, blue and yellow are severely underpowered, and the rest of the groups are, at best, on par with what the other teams are (if not slightly weaker).
You can play these guys with your other space marines of even the same color. What we did was (after playing the set a 6 team game with the new guys) take their initiative order and imagine a C next to it, similar to how Marine Pack 1 handles initiative. The card texture and border color of white-black differentiate well enough not to mix.
After playing with them two consecutive games, I can say the new guys are missing anything that would help them reface, tactically affect the board, or do statistically decent chance of kill. I would only recommend this PoD for two reasons: 1) you collect Death Angel, no excuses, or 2) you want more challenge. As a veteran who plays Death Angel and wins around 66% against Genestealers and am undefeated against Tyranids (dozen Tyranid matches!), we lost both times tonight against regular gene-stealers with the new crew. Buy at your own discretion.
How is there support abilities the new article seemed to put alot onto the support cababilities. Regardless Im waiting till I can bring down my credit card bill to get them but am going to get them for reason #1
Support abilities, from what I have seen, rely heavily on support tokens to be effective; one guy says when he support cards and has support tokens on him for the round, you can use his supports as if they were your own. Another guy as a move+activate takes one guy's supports and adds them somewhere else. Green's are better, as he has a fifty-fifty chance roll of using a support token to save an adjacent space marine from dying. Yellow's support is one of the best (though its his only good card), where if his dudes are adjacent to spawn points, he prevents them from spawning for the turn. His move+activate lets him lead a swarm with him as he moves (much more limited than "Strategize" from core, and the only real move-tactics card in the set). There are no refacing cards, so a Chaos of Battle will butcher, and gray's support which lets you spend for his main a support to have an attack miss against him wastes support tokens compared to Power Field from the original gray, or black team's attack card which prevents facing and engaged swarm to not attack for the turn.
If you can roll good, purple is pretty mighty as both their space marines act as all-or-none on swarm killing. Gray's attack is also pretty powerful. However, neither of those two attacks are real attacks, so you have to go with the roll as-is (and these are the power-housers). With other space marines outside of this expansion, purple has rerolls for his flame ability, brown has 5/6 chance of killing 3 gene-stealers engaged with him or engaged with an adjacent space marine (and that ability still is good if they are only 2 away, 33% miss chance), red gets 3 attacks, yellow auto-kills 3 and rolls 1/6 to die, blue's support lets him crowd control gene-stealers ferociously AND he still has his attack card that usually gives an additional support, and gray, if stacked with support, can wipe his side of the formation and within reach.
Again, in the new expansion, yellow's attack involves spending a support to gain an extra attack (which he might miss and is one short for a reroll). Instead of attacking, red lets you kill a gene-stealer for each support you remove from him (though good, so many others depend on support too). Green is a sniper, having rediculous range
if you give him support
, but only gets one attack (he does give
a free support before attacking though). Lastly, there is an attack card for blue that says if you only make a single attack with one of your two space marines, return this card to your hand (yeah, that card... *whistles and twirls finger
). For a deck that trades and uses support for a lot of things, it doesn't really gain any additional support beyond support cards. And they are always hungry for support. I felt this PoD was more me baby-sitting a bunch of spoiled brats
fighting murderous hordes of aliens.
I will give the Deathwings another try but I can statistically see they are the weaker link compared to the old marines.
Anyone else who owns this PoD think the same or different about Deathwings pack?
Tromdial said:
For a deck that trades and uses support for a lot of things, it doesn't really gain any additional support beyond support cards. And they are always hungry for support. I felt this PoD was more me baby-sitting a bunch of spoiled brats while fighting murderous hordes of aliens.
The key-word here is the Deathwings lack synergy : they do not play well together, from what I have seen.