Looking into buying---what should I get in addition to the revised core set?

By Zjb12, in Dust Tactics General Discussion

Hey! Thanks ahead of time to all who respond. I am in the midst of researching the game as my next big gaming expense. (selling a few miniatures from another game to get some store credit.). So I am looking at having around $100 and can probably get the revised core set for around $52. What in addition would you buy with another $50? Tiles? Another scenario box like Ceburus or SeeLowe? Just several additional troops?

Also, is this pretty easy for me to teach a couple of kids? We have played attacktix, heroclix, star wars minis, Lord of the Rings LCG.

Thanks again for your insights and help!

I'd go for a medium walker for both sides, in these packs you get options to make up different walkers and would give you a variety for minimal outlay.

ImHO buy the original core set. Even if you pay $100-150 for it. The revised set is good, but not as great of value. I bought both because there are no repeats between the two.

If you buy revised set, you will be spending the extra $30 on the game tile set anyhow because posters are junk inthe long run.

get an O-Core Set. If you absolutely can't do that, RCS, Medium walkers, and Command squads or Spec Ops.

If the kids can remember all the rules to that stuff they can probably get by in DT.

Thanks all! How are the scenario expansions like seelowe and cerberus? Worth getting up front, or wait until later after getting some more walkers, squads, etc? How is the tile set also?

I would suggest both Medium Walker boxes as others have said a Sniper/Observer team for each side and grab a Tank Busters squad to bolster the Allies from the RCS. Next up look into either Operation Cerberus or the Command Squads, Armor 2 have more abilities requiring a single die roll while the Armor 3 ones automatically succeed with a few less abilities. From there see how peoples play styles go in your group and let that dictate what you buy next. gran_risa.gif

However, as everybody else mentioned, if you can get the origional Core Set grab it before anything else it is/was such a ridiculously good deal.

If u get the original core set, do you also need to get the updated card pack they came out with?

The card pack isn't necessary although I bought it and as a result got cards for units I didn't have so I built a Stefan and Johnny One Eye out of other spare units parts. gran_risa.gif If you can get the card pack cheap then grab it.

The main difference is that it has "C" instead of 1 for ranges on close combat weapons and the REAL points cost instead of 2 and 4. In reality you could just put a sticker over the points cost bit quite easily, updated costs are available online.

No, you absolutely DON'T need the revised card pack. The original cards are perfectly playable as they are. Just print a sheet with the new Army Point values (or use stickers on the cards) and know that the range for Knives is C instead of 1. It's really not worth it to spend your money on cards if you have a tight budget and that money could go into a brand new squad.

Trust me get the O-core. Avoid future regret!

Hey! Again, thanks all! Another question: with the third faction coming out, SSU, do you think/know/will it be possible to play all three factions against one another? I have two boys who once we get the game, I am sure will want to play all 3 of us against one another as opposed to one person sitting out during games. Thoughts?

Sure, all three factions have motive against each other. And you can play 3 way meat grinders and missions.

Whoa, easy rider! In fact we have no solid info on this matter! Only some unclean teasers and some gossips:P We don't know if you will be ablo to play 1v1v1 as i understand it;)

Of course you can. The game is based off of alternating moves and initiative rolls. The mechanics of the game allow for an even 3 way battle. Plus missions could be altered to hold an objective, like king of the hill and stuff like that. It doesn't take much to make the game a three way.

Of course I don't have the actual game yet, and might not for a couple of weeks, but I would assume likewise, that if there aren't three way campaigns, you probably could adapt one or make up your own. We were able to do this a lot with other mini-games. I could see something where all three forces are trying to obtain a certain objective and fighting it out against each other. The hard part is watching your back against two opposing forces. It always seems like someone holds back while the other two fight it out and gut each others forces. Then you end up with a weakened force having destroyed the one player but now going against an almost full force of the other player.

You could penalize the person who's waits by assigning victory points based on activity. Enemies killed, # of turn objective held, etc. you don't want one player to gang up late in the game.

Also because the turns are shared amongst players it makes it more friendly instead of being the player who always goes last and the opponents have 2 full turns to annihilate your troops before you can react.

You could also activate units in a blind order by shuffling them upside down and playing them from a deck.

I agree but still no solid info on that one;) I would be a bit worried to play 1v1v1. As in all area control games one side would get weaker over few turns and remaining 2 forces would quickly take it out. Hmm not that this game isn't bulid around killing whole armies..

Nobody said it would be fair. But there's is equal opportunity at turn zero. Turn 1 and on is anyones game. And real world battles don't always go as planned (Gettysburg)

So, after hearing everybody's thoughts and also reading other posts, as well as thinking of my boys, I am stuck trying to decide, in addition to the rcs, do i start at the beginning with buying the gunners, recon boys, recon grenadiers and bbattle grenadiers, or do i go for newer and get medium walkers and maybe some command units or special ops, or do i go totally for operation ceberus and maybe some axis gorillas and grim reapers, knowing that my boys will totally dig the 3 building and the apes?

It pains me to see someone having to buy separately Gunners, Recon Boys, Laser Grenadiers, medium walkers etc. You'll spend a LOT of money trying to recreate the original core set. I'd really put an effort into finding one of those instead.

@loophole master: i totally understand, but here's the gist for me: in order to get started in this, i had to sell some other miniatures from another game and will get about a $90 credit at the store online. they have the original core set----for a whooping $180! so, instead, i can buy the rcs for around $50 and then have around another $50 to spend. therefore, what to do with the other $50.

Well, I'd refrain from buying squads from the original core set, then, in the hopes that in the future you'll have some more cash available or find a great deal that will lend you the original core set. So I'd tell you to get the medium walkers, that'll give you a class of unit you don't have, and lots of variation within one box.

Zjb12 said:

@loophole master: i totally understand, but here's the gist for me: in order to get started in this, i had to sell some other miniatures from another game and will get about a $90 credit at the store online. they have the original core set----for a whooping $180! so, instead, i can buy the rcs for around $50 and then have around another $50 to spend. therefore, what to do with the other $50.

If you are in the U.S. and they are selling the Original Core for $180, I would start shopping at a different store or online. There are a few stores online still selling the Core for $90 to $100. Well worth the wait on ordering one.

Loophole Master said:

Well, I'd refrain from buying squads from the original core set, then, in the hopes that in the future you'll have some more cash available or find a great deal that will lend you the original core set. So I'd tell you to get the medium walkers, that'll give you a class of unit you don't have, and lots of variation within one box.

sounds good. maybe some gorillas and grim reapers too? (my boys would probably like them or the zombies! which are better?)

just finished repainting, graffitiing, scratching, and bullet holing my first piece of scenery---an old o sized model railroad box car i found i had!!!