As I don't have the heavy walkers myself and haven't played with them I'm interested in knowing about the average life expectancy and some other things of the heavy walkers, and hope the ones of you that have fielded them want to share your input. What I am interested in is the psychology of you and your opponent when heavies show up. When answering please do so from experience and practice: Only tell what usually happens, not theory and what could have happened.
- Which heavy walker(s) do you have experience with & how many games have you played with them?
- What kind of army point ranges are you using when playing games that involve a heavy?
- How many rounds does your heavy survive, in average?
- Do the opponents usually try to kill it off quickly? Is it usually a primary target?
- What size and cover/obstacle-density do the battles tend to have (i.e. 12 squares, medium density)
- How often does it happen that heavies attack each other? (never, it happens, often)
- Has it been a real drawback that it is easy to target your heavy?
- If you had the ability to repair your heavy, did you do it or did you usually end up repairing something else?
- Would you describe the heavies you played with as worth their Army Point cost?
- After playing, do you generally feel it was a correct decision to field a heavy? Why (not)?