New Houserule on special alloy with stated qualities

By Cobramax76, in Dark Heresy House Rules

After playing another unusual session with my group; they have, yet again made me think outside the now im asking for some input from my fellow GMs and players to see what a general standard might be on the matter.

1) The unique alloy found only on Acreage ( according to FFG Inquisitors handbook pg 97) used to make the Lightning chain and of my players ( the one with armourer and smithing skills both +10 currently ) wanted to get some of it...( this request was put in several sessions i looked up the relative values and assigned a nominal price of 100 Thrones per kg ( price is high considering the 3kg lightning chain only costs 100 thrones BUT..this cost includes the "shipping and handling" charges gui%C3%B1o.gif ) to limit its aquisition amounts.

2) The reason my player wanted the alloy was to work it into balanced throwing knives...( the idea was very unique indeed..not really changing an accepted pattern for a knife weapon...merely making it from an alternative metallic alloy ..but the visual image given from a throwing knife spiraling through the air gaining arc-charging as it goes in the same manner as a lightning chain..was quite unique indeed ) BUT this was only ONE of the TWO initial ideas he had for the alloys usage...The second one was to construct a pair of Warhammers from it ( adding an attached heavy leather wrist strap at the base of each ( used to keep from being disarmed and for those with training..can be used to "spin" the warhammer to gain additional impact and in the case of the alloy...the unique lightning effect for added pain) )...Now since both of these ideas were for use with melee or short range thrown weapons only i agreed to them on principal and creative ideal...( i admit..i wanted to play out a scenario with some cultists getting nailed with bad i know but oh )

The real question i have comes from my 2nd player...who wanted to get some molded into bullets for his SP guns and then they BOTH decided to go creative and went through the ideas of replacing several of the standard ammo metals used for warheads/tips and such with the alloy and potential visual and game term damage effects....a few examples are below along with my current general ideas on it...any creative ideas would be appreciated.

1) SP ammo - standard round: usual damage + 1pt shock damage ( per round hit )( no roll for stun unless hit with several/semi-full auto burst)

shotgun round/slug: usual damage +1d5 shock damage ( roll for stun Easy test+30)( larger caliber= more alloy=greater charge)

shotgun round/flechette: usual damage +1d10 shock damage ( roll for stun Routine test+20)(represented as 1-10 of the flechettes hitting each dealing 1pt of shock)( impressive visual effects as well "expanding lightning web" was the polular term for the visual effect of this idea as the hyper-charging of the flechettes arcs from one to the other as they expand outward in flight )

Autopistol rounds: same as standard SP ammo

Hand cannon rounds: usual damage +1d5 shock damage ( roll for stun Easy test+30)( larger caliber= more alloy=greater charge)

Rifle rounds: same as shotgun slug: usual damage +1d5 shock damage ( roll for stun Easy test+30)( larger caliber= more alloy=greater charge)

Heavy Stubber: usual damage +1d10 shock damage ( roll for stun Challenging test+0)( since this weapon only fires on 10rnd bursts)

2) Needler ammo - standard round: usual damage + 1pt shock damage ( per round hit )( no roll for stun unless hit with several/semi-full auto burst)

3) Primative weapon types: Arrows: usual damage +1d5 shock ( roll for stun Routine test+20)

Melee weapons: usual damage +1d10 shock ( roll for stun Routine test +20)

Bolas: usual damage +1d10 shock ( roll for stun Routine test +20)

Crossbow bolt: usual damage +1d5 shock ( roll for stun Challenging test+10)

Flintlock/any primative pistol/rifle: usual damage +1d10 shock ( roll for stun Routine test +20)

Hunting boomerang: usual damage +1d5 shock ( roll for stun Easy test+30)

Javelin ; usual damage +1d10 shock ( roll for stun Routine test +20)

Sling ; usual damage + 1pt shock damage ( per round hit )(no stun test needed just a nasty jolt )

Razor Disk: usual damage +1d5 shock ( roll for stun Routine test+20)

Ive basically tried to follow the convention of "the higher the penetration value the harder the stun test" on a point per level basis IE:

PEN Test

0 Easy(+30)

1 Routine(+20)

2 Ordinary(+10)

3 Challenging(+0)

4 Difficult(-10)

5 Hard(-20)

6 Very Hard(-30)

Due to the alloys density obviously being around avg..i dont see the Pen score likely to ever get higher than 2 or 3 tops however whenever this alloy is used so i highly doubt ( GMs choice ) that the higher level difficulty tests would ever be used but i have given the table here as a simple refference to show my point.

All the different variations of weapons that could use this alloy would go based off the velocity and Pen to determine the damage value and needed stun tests IE

Slower velocity OR smaller projectiles will only get 1 or 2 points of shock and no stun test while larger faster moving projectiles will get up to 1d10 shock and more difficult stun always however

GMs choice is final.


While I cant remember the exact wording on how the alloy works. But I remeber some questions about a generator made from the alloy. Or a melee wepon that charges its power field by itself.

My usual GM hates it when I start to get creative with my gear. My powdered glass leaf blower where great fun untill my PC started cougging blood from inhaling the glass.