Tech question

By KurtFritz, in Sid Meier's Civilization: The Board Game


I was wondering about some of the tech cards that allow for certain actions during a specific phase of a game turn. For example the tech "Atomic Theory" allows one to nuke a city into oblivion during the "Movement" phase of the turn.

Now my question is, can I trigger such an ability only during my own movement phase or anybodies movement phase?

Thanks for your help.

After viewing the resource ability example part of the base rulebook on page 22, I would say that you may nuke a city in your movement phase.

To quote said part:

"For example, Currency (shown above) allows a player to spend one incense resource token to gain three culture tokens during the player’s City Management Phase."

It's the last part of this example that leads me to believe that you may only nuke in your own movement phase. That and the fact that the Atomic Theory tech card, to the best of my knowedge, does not say "this may interrupt movement" in the nuking part.

Thanks for the clarification.