Due to one of my players deciding to switch from a Dark Angels Apothecary to a Salamanders Devastator and a post by Scoates in the Living Errata/FAQ thread, I've been looking at the Salamanders chapter today. For the most part, I like the Salamanders write-up. It really fits with their focus on caring for their own wargear and their combat doctrine. However, I have to wonder if their Solo Mode could be house-ruled into something a bit more useful. Specifically, the Rank 3 upgrade (immunity to fire) seems a bit... underwhelming, especially since they already have Resistance (Fire) and can easily get the Salamanders' Mantle to provide that fire immunity. So instead of fire immunity, perhaps a simple upgrade to the Rank 1 level Solo Mode would fit better. I was thinking the Rank 3 Solo Mode improvement could instead allow the Salamander to always have Proven (2) on their chosen weapon and either remove one of the three disadvantageous qualities or increase Proven to 3 or 4.
On another tack, though, I have to look at the usefulness of Proven (2). In the long run, unless the Salamander puts Proven on a weapon that rolls multiple dice, they're only going to get anything out of it 10% of the time. Applied to a weapon with tearing, the benefit decreases to 1%. My player wants to play a Salamanders Devastator who focuses on the heavy flamer and his heavy bolter, alternating as per the mission requirements or having the 'off' weapon carried by a follower and handed over to the Marine when he needs it. I've already said that he'll only have one backpack ammo supply, so hopefully dodging some cheese there. At any rate, he's already said that he wants the heavy bolter to be the weapon he has spent time working on. So my question is: would it be unbalanced to allow the Proven quality granted by the Fire-Born Solo Mode to be affected by the craftsmanship of the weapon? Say, Proven (2) on standard quality, Proven (3) on Exceptional, and either Proven (3) or Proven (4) on Master-Crafted? I'll probably require that he have used Artificer at least once on it to gain these bonuses.