Having given the rules a couple of good read throughs I can already see at least two places where I hope we can get errata:
1) The rule prohibiting the writing down of anything needs to be junked. Not only does it directly contradict the intent of the original Dune rules but it is hugely unfair in game play, as it punishes people with shorter memories and rewards those with longer ones. Dune/Rex is supposed to vbe a strategy game not a memory game.
2) In the same vein, the rule prohibitng any secret communications needs to be reworded to allow them but with a time limit. Otherwise it renders allies incapable of effective cooperation if their powers involve secret information (for example Jol-Nar can't tell his allies a card is good/bad without telling everyone else). Again this rule reduces strategy in the game .
Has anyone seen others? Really besides these I like a lot of what was done (like fine tuning the Bene Gesserit/Xcha "voice").