Can I use multiple survival gear in one turn? So lets say in Sands can I use Camel Pack x 3 to move 3 extra spaces or in Mists use Dead Man's compas few times to change result on few dice? Will same rules apply to all survival gears? So 3 adventures kit will give +9 bonus?
Also I have quesiton about Lost City in Mists. In manual it says that it is considered a town for movement and knocked out heroes but not for ritual and omens. So lets say Lost City is at river terrain. Somebody just completed riutal which require to take roaming monster check. So if there is monster which is roaming at river terrain then Hero which is in Lost City which is placed at river will need to take challenge with it right? Or becouse he is in City ( even tho Lost City ) he will do like in all normal cities and draw extra card to roaming monster track?