Here's a place to dump concepts for a chapter that relate to a single "thing" that makes the chapter stand out from the crowd. It's the High Concept "summarise a movie in one sentence" thread, where you can stick in ideas for your own chapter.
This isn't a thread for millitary archetypes, or for discussions of the geneseed differences between chapters. It's more a place where you can suggest different ways for Chapters to operate, recruit etc, and other ways in which they stand out from the "Codex Chapter based on a feral world" norm.
Let me give you a few examples from the canon:
- A chapter that runs its own small empire - (The Ultramarines)
- A chapter that allies itself with Rogue Traders (the Marines Errant)
- A chapter that works for the High Lords policing other chapters (The Minotaurs)
- A renegade chapter who remain loyal despite being cast out by the Imperium (Knights of blood...Relictors, possibly. And Soul drinkers too, arguably.)
...and so on.
So here's a few ideas of my own:
- A chapter that recruits solely from a prison world
- A chapter that works closely with the Adeptus Munitorum
- A chapter that works closely with the Officio Assasinorum
- A chapter that act as, in effect, prison guards for a deadly and immortal being
- A chapter formed solely to crew an incredibly powerful ancient weapons platform of some type
- A chapter that acts as agents for the Adeptus Custodes
- A chapter that worships a controversial aspect of the Imperial faith
- A chapter that suddenly appears after three thousand years lost in the warp, not knowing the time has elapsed
- A chapter that operates totally in secret: an Imperial version of the Alpha Legion
- A chapter that works closely with the Ordos Xenos
- A chapter that polices the Black Ships
- A castellan chapter: a chapter that guards a major point of entry into the Solar System
- A chapter that was created specifically to counter a specific threat which is now extinct
- A chapter that is ravaged by internal dissent over a doctrinal point
- A chapter that extorts resources from surrounding Imperial worlds
- A chapter that has become inefficient and flawed
- A chapter who hates its founding Legion and plots to destroy it
- A chapter which conceals its own secret shame: cowardice, geneseed problems etc
- A chapter which specialises in the use of a weapon not employed by any other chapter
- A chapter which plays politics
- A chapter which operates its own spy service
- A chapter which specialises in some aspect of the Codex to the detriment of all else
- A chapter which has a grudge against another chapter
- A chapter which has a grudge against another Imperial Institution
- A chapter that had suddenly executed all of its Librarians
- A chapter created to occupy a certain ancient space station or artefact (like a Blackstone Fortress)
- A chapter constantly under siege, slowly losing ground, refusing to give up.
- A chapter suffering a moral or religious crisis
- A chapter which is attempting to comply with the terms of an ancient secret pact
- A chapter which is attempting to ensure that an ancient prophecy doesn't come to pass
- A chapter which is dying, but which wants one last battle
- A chapter which specialises in exterminatus and ultimate weapons of that ilk
- A chapter which is so extremely pro-codex that it deliberately starts wars with others who are less hardline
- A chapter that specialises in major fleet actions/hunting renegade Imperial Fleet officers and policing space lanes
- A chapter that specialises in urban combat
- A chapter that specialises in aquatic combat
- A chapter that is allied to a particular xenos race or faction
- A chapter that is slowly going totally insane
- A chapter that promotes jealousy among other chapters
- An arrogant chapter that is widely hated
- A chapter that is undergoing a penitent crusade
- A defeated and shattered chapter
- A chapter which has been politically outmanouvered, and which now carries out tasks it hates for a master it despises
- A chapter with limited resources
- A chapter with more resources than it can handle
- A chapter with too few marines to continue
- A chapter that has over 1,000 marines
- A chapter that has committed a terrible crime
- A successor chapter to a successor chapter which itself was not of the First Founding: a chapter which fears it has dilute geneseed
- A chapter which does not know it's gene-ancestry
Well that's 50 to be getting on with...anyone want to add any more? If we can get 50 more, we can do a D100 table!