Nanok vs RtL encounter rule

By Roy S, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Nanok of the Blade has the special ability is that his defense is 2 + number of melee trait (the number of power dice he rolls when making a melee attack)

In the campaign RtL, there's an outdoor encounter that limits the number of power dice you can roll to 3.

If Nanok's melee trait is 5, his defense is still 7, right? We played the other day and the others in my group thought his defense should be limited to 5 (= 2 + 3 maximum power dice allowed)

Roy S said:

Nanok of the Blade has the special ability is that his defense is 2 + number of melee trait (the number of power dice he rolls when making a melee attack)

In the campaign RtL, there's an outdoor encounter that limits the number of power dice you can roll to 3.

If Nanok's melee trait is 5, his defense is still 7, right? We played the other day and the others in my group thought his defense should be limited to 5 (= 2 + 3 maximum power dice allowed)

Yes, still 7.
Melee trait is not affected by the encounter rule, only the power dice rolled. Traits and power dice rolled are connected, but are not the same thing.


Nanok only gets his melee trait for armor in the advanced campaign, not 2+melee.

Torin Negatia said:

Nanok only gets his melee trait for armor in the advanced campaign, not 2+melee.

Only true for SoB, not for ACs in general.

I disagree. Nanok was released after rtl and the section in SoB specifically stats "the following heroes have been edited for use in the Advanced Campaign." Not just for sea of blood.

Torin Negatia said:

I disagree. Nanok was released after rtl and the section in SoB specifically stats "the following heroes have been edited for use in the Advanced Campaign." Not just for sea of blood.

Nanok was released in Well of Darkness, the very first expansion for Descent. Road to Legend was the third expansion.

My bad on that, for some reason I was thinking he was from ToI. I still stand by what I disagree on. Hopefully this will be addressed in the FAQ. Currently my groups are playing this way, and will probably continue to.

Torin Negatia said:

My bad on that, for some reason I was thinking he was from ToI. I still stand by what I disagree on. Hopefully this will be addressed in the FAQ. Currently my groups are playing this way, and will probably continue to.

RtL and SoB are separate and have separate rules that may differ. RtL does not require SoB and vice versa, so you don't use a rule from one to change the other unless the change is in the FAQ.
FAQ rules changes that use the term Advanced Campaign are for both, but that is where the connection ends.
Nanok is different between the sets.

But of course, anyone can play with whatever houserules they want. Nanok is a bit overpowered in RtL and I think a bit underpowered in SoB.

I agree nanok has flaws in both. We only use that one rule from the sob book for rtl, the rest from the FAQ, and that's only because we decided that since it said Advanced Campaign instead of SoB or Toroues Albus (sp?) like the rest of the SoB specific rules do.

Personally, I hope with 2nd edition, we don't have problems with rules discrepancies like with 1st edition when they add a new expansion in. I love this game.