Revised Edition Relic Questions

By Jamos, in Arcana Revised Edition

Pretty much the rules are alot more comprehensive than the original version.

I have a question on the new rule that Relic cards stay with the Personality if the total is not high enough to bribe the personality.

What happens to a relic card that is attached to a Personality and that Personality is discarded or moved?

We play the attached relic(s) are moved or discarded with the Personality they are attached to. Is this correct?


Pretty much the rules are alot more comprehensive than the original version.

I have a question on the new rule that Relic cards stay with the Agent if the total is not high enough to bribe the Personality.

What happens to a Relic card that is attached to a Agent and that Agent is discarded or moved?

We play the attached Relic(s) are moved or discarded with the Agent they are attached to. Is this correct?

I think the rules don't really cover this in any way. The rulebook states:

"A Relic can only be played on a player's Agent"


"It is possible to use a Relic with multiple Agents at the same District"

My "feel" about these rules is that relics are not actually "attached" to an agent, but they just require at least one agent assigned to the district to be played (since you can only play agents and relics on districts, to place the first relic you must have at least one agent assigned, hence you'll need to play it on top of one).

Trying to be very analytic, the verbs used are: played on (an agent), used (to bribe) and combined (with another relic or agent). This led me to believe that there's no real binding between a single agent and a relic played on the same district, so I wouldn't discard the relic if I had to discard the agent.

In my opinion if agent is discarded or moved and there is no more agent in district, the relic is discarded too

Teokrata said:

In my opinion if agent is discarded or moved and there is no more agent in district, the relic is discarded too

This was implied, but the OP was actually asking if there is some kind of binding between a particular agent and a relic (i.e. if a Relic played on an Agent stays with the Agent if it moves from its current position).

If the Relic stays with the Agent, then moving the Agent to another district would result in the Relic moving along (not being discarded, even if the previous district has no agents left), and if the Agent gets discarded the Relic would be discarded as well (even if the district where it was assigned has agents left).

I think this is fairly counter-intuitive, as the rules only state that an agent is required to play a relic, but multiple agents are considered to perform the bribe, so I don't see many reasons why relics should be "equipped" to agents. This may just be overprocessing creeping in from getting used to different (and more complex) mechanics found in other games. Just my 2 cents.