What promo sets are moving into block 3?
Question for Block 3
I'm pretty sure it's simply any cards with the 4-pointed star.
Cetonis said:
I'm pretty sure it's simply any cards with the 4-pointed star.
Yup, block 3 is just whatever has a 4-pointed symbol. Some of the promo sets have cards with the 3-pointed symbol and some with the 4-pointed symbol.
Any news on demo deck/etc. reprints like when Block 2 was first starting?
Polygon said:
Any news on demo deck/etc. reprints like when Block 2 was first starting?
Nothing yet, but I'm pretty sure they'll unveil these kind of things when we're closer to March 09
Polygon said:
Any news on demo deck/etc. reprints like when Block 2 was first starting?
Reprints most likely won't be known for some time, possibly middle of 09.
Antigoth said:
Polygon said:
Any news on demo deck/etc. reprints like when Block 2 was first starting?
Reprints most likely won't be known for some time, possibly middle of 09.
Really I heard some reprints might go into set 12 ?
I see. I'm keeping my hopes up for Clones, even though I wasn't near half as much of a fan of it in Block 2 as most folks.
Yuri + Kyokugen Karate turn that attack into a sledgehammer. Removing one Clones to pump another is 13 damage on a 3-cost attack, and if they try to E-negate it they're probably going to spend far more resources to do so than you do.
i personaly hope clones don't come back. they were bad enough in block 2. i don't realy want them back.
Eh.....Clones wouldnt be bad coming back i wouldnt mind it 2 much i would actually use it some in a deck that i have now that i want 2 make block 3
i am not saying i wouldn't use clones, i'm just saying that i've had enough of them this block.
Personally, I want to see what comes out of the Battle Pack. I think some of Ryu's Kicks should be in Block 3 based on their abilities and stats. Fsck Ryu's Shoryuken EXTRA. Also: Goshichi is pretty much Clones, and we'll probably get that reprinted before Clones.
I really dont want any of the set 4-6 cards coming back i would rather have some of the set 1-3 cards of course not the power cards though .
And clones I havent used too much besides in resource only events.
TripsEX said:
Personally, I want to see what comes out of the Battle Pack. I think some of Ryu's Kicks should be in Block 3 based on their abilities and stats. Fsck Ryu's Shoryuken EXTRA. Also: Goshichi is pretty much Clones, and we'll probably get that reprinted before Clones.
I'd think we'd get Ippachi reprinted before Goshichi.
Ippachi is da bomb yo.
Two things...
1. There are promos that do not have 4-star shurikens but do stay. It gives a specific list of cards that do cycle, and then it says "anything else with a 3-point shuriken, including characters, cycle at this point." Well, there are promo characters that don't have a shuriken, and aren't listed in the list of cards cycling, so one could assume they stay. Either that, or they'll make an announcement saying they do cycle, as if they had shurikens.
2. Remember how we were told Burning Knuckle is coming back? Now, look at your avatar selections, and tell me what you see?
Ninja Computer Geek, ESP, some Terry starter deck foundation. Yeah...methinks THESE are the droids we're looking for...
Deadly rage will be pretty boss in the next block.
TripsEX said:
Ew... maybe , but it's not Clones in any way I'm drooling over. 5-check attack would be reason enough to want Clones over Goshi, for both my and I'm sure many others' purposes. But eh, we'll see; I have a month or so to use that combo at least.
I hope no one lynches me when I say I really, REALLY want to see Iddylic come back. King of Fighters too, but being a set Promo than one is likely a NEVAR. I'd love to see Life make a come back, and it might be half-way there already, but it needs some of its powerhouse Foundations either given back or replaced with something as good.
It used to be that if you weren't a "big 3" control player, but an aggro one, and you wanted to have your foundation base filled with stuff that actually had strong effects, you went Life. Or you would have, if Life's attacks were any good in general. Now Life, after getting a good attack base and having some brief power-presence, lost just enough on both ends to get into most people's "bottom tier" lists despite being present on a number of the most recognizable power cards around.
I'd still like to see a card or 2 from the Ryu v Akuma battle box, probably one of the best things put out last rotation. Messatsu Gorasen would make me happy
MarcoPulleaux said:
Deadly Rage + DAMAGE BONUS IS ANYTHING THAT TOUCHES DAMAGE LOL NEGATIVE DAMAGE BONUS = Hello damnerf decks, I still do damage to you.
Everything with a 4 point surriken I believe they started with Amy's assistance and Rev Calling.
i'll just repeat that...
OMG *faints*
Bloodrunstrue said:
i'll just repeat that...
OMG *faints*
Dont get 2 excited yet it hasnt offically come out yet......im sure it will seeing the pics but you can never be 2 sure