Hey every hows it going? I am a long time 40k player and I am starting Dust Tactics after wanting a change and something easier to get my kids into. I managed to get my hands on the original core set and have gone over the new rules. My wife is getting me the revised core set and some units and exspansions of her choice as my anniversary this year. Now my question is with the heavy walkers, is anyone using them? I have looked around and haven't seen any reviews or tactical articles on them so just wondering peoples views on them. Also what size games do most people play? Trying to get an idea how much I need to work up to, also any players in the Fort Riley KS area? Thanks for the time.
New to the game and some questions on the Heavy Walkers
Welcome to the site. I don't own any heavy walkers yet so I have no clue.
SGTManuel said:
My wife is getting me the revised core set and some units and exspansions of her choice .
That ones a keeper.
Mine are still in the box, pretty much waiting for the Warfare rule-set to be released. First reaction would be to fiield the Axis Sturmkonig version for its versatility. Wonder though (rules and fluff wise) what size aircraft you would need quad 128mm cannons for.
I normally play through the scenarios so 160-320 pts, my biggest 1 on 1 game was 600pts which took a bit over 2 hours to play and had 2 heavies a side. The heavies are imposing but expensive in points, this is only theorhetical but I think both players need to agree to field one to keep the game balance. If not it could mean that the one player with the heavy walker will get out manuevred all the time.
If I remember right from reading the Operation Ceberus PDF it mentions something about the AXIS building the Sturmkonig to watch for something else. SoI am guessing they are expecting the aliens. As for my wife she's great, she plays some games with me as well just wished she liked the war games more. The Sturmkonig is my favorite of the heavies, I like how it looks and I think it is the most versatile for it's points.
600 points that must have been a cool game who won? Yeah was thinking that myself that the heavies need to be agreed on or used for special games so a player doesn't handicap himself in smaller games.
double posted on accident hate slow internet. Anyone incorporate 1/48 scale models to have Sherman's and normal tigers?
SGTManuel said:
If I remember right from reading the Operation Ceberus PDF it mentions something about the AXIS building the Sturmkonig to watch for something else. SoI am guessing they are expecting the aliens. As for my wife she's great, she plays some games with me as well just wished she liked the war games more. The Sturmkonig is my favorite of the heavies, I like how it looks and I think it is the most versatile for it's points.
600 points that must have been a cool game who won? Yeah was thinking that myself that the heavies need to be agreed on or used for special games so a player doesn't handicap himself in smaller games.
Axis had a convincing win. And in a reply to your other Q, I have armoured vehicles and tanks and cards for them, never felt the need to use them though, why would you when you have more than enough DT models? I would like to run a scenario though with mechs V tanks.
The reason I was asking about the tanks is I thought it would be cool to do a campaign using a Axis and Allies map. Set up a point cost for what each tank, infantry and artillery model stand for and maybe limit the Allies to just tanks intially to represent them having to acquire the technology. Maybe a tech chart were one buys the newer tech like the heavy walkers and armor 3 infantry for examples.
SGTManuel said:
The reason I was asking about the tanks is I thought it would be cool to do a campaign using a Axis and Allies map. Set up a point cost for what each tank, infantry and artillery model stand for and maybe limit the Allies to just tanks intially to represent them having to acquire the technology. Maybe a tech chart were one buys the newer tech like the heavy walkers and armor 3 infantry for examples.
I want to get huge armies for each side. I was thinking about a Ranger battalion. IDK
I agre, I want to get my Allies and Axis forces to a decent size probably company size with armor platoon suppor. Not sure if I will try out the Soviets haven't seen any units that catch my eye. I also wonder why they show the original Luther V1 on the core box with the 7.5 cm PaK 40/5 and the 15 cm multiple rocket luancher but no rules exsist for it. I think it might not be a bad unit in the game, would have some good firepower and be a bit more versatile.
I would think FFG is saving it to use as a Hero Walker like 'Grandma' for the SSU will be.
The heavies are very large and difficult to maneuver on the maps we were playing before. Recommend playing heavies on maps at least twice as large and with more open area for them to maneuver.
Thanks for all the input. I have gotten about four games in with the wife in kid, 2 with only the original core set and 2 with mixed units from the original and revised core sets. Enjoying it, the kids had a blast, the wife and daughter choose the Axis so me and my son got the allies. He loves how the allied med walkers look. We played 2 operation blue thunder missions and 2 free for alls the Allies are up with 3 wins. My wife also ordered both allied and axis heavy walkers and NCO squads, op Cerberus, and Sea Lowe, the gorillas and grim reapers, the tile set and update cards. Looking to try some of these units out and go from there.
Last weekend I had several firsts with Axis walkers in a big tank battle our group had.
Played with a Hans, Heinrich and Axis Heavy Walker, Sturm-Konig.
Had kills with all three for the first time and the heavy was a giant target on the field. Lasted two turns, a full artillery attack and 2 pounder attacks before it was taken out. It only was able to gain one kill but the allies exposed their walkers to our walkers fire.