Hope this hasn't been asked but I never have a lot of luck searching....

By jboweruk, in Twilight Imperium 3rd Edition

Okay, political intrigue, Assembly 2 card: choose a player to resolve a political card, take the speaker token ( I assume you can give it to yourself, but feel free to correct me) etc.

However I came on this situation, 2 councillors, 2 spies, the 2 councillors got bumped off, leaving the spies, Sol plays the 'only councillors may vote) but of course now there's no councillors.

For this time I've just dropped the card out of play, but is that right? Or does the player keep the card and resolve it at a later time?

If I read you right, it sounds to me like it's a tie with everybody voting 0, so the Speaker decides how the agenda is resolved.

johnnylump said:

If I read you right, it sounds to me like it's a tie with everybody voting 0, so the Speaker decides how the agenda is resolved.


If Sol was the Speaker, that would've been an excellent coup.

Ah of course, I forgot that rule about the speaker, many thanks.

Oh and btw, Sol had the speaker token when the card was played, but Hacan played the Assembly card and stole the speaker token from them, it didn't matter much as everyone would've voted against, after all, who wants to put a fleet limit on their ships unnecessarily?

jboweruk said:

Oh and btw, Sol had the speaker token when the card was played, but Hacan played the Assembly card and stole the speaker token from them, it didn't matter much as everyone would've voted against, after all, who wants to put a fleet limit on their ships unnecessarily?

Someone who feels confident they can achieve their goals with several small fleets, and who knows that their opponents will be hurt by being forced to limit themselves.

Or someone who really REALLY wants to prevent turtling from slowing the game down. =P

I hear that. But since I play solo, I can still move around pretty quick. And I figure it from a fluffy POV, if I was a political leader I don't want some beaurocratic nonsence holding me back.