Just spotted this...
Vile revelation has issues.
It's an opposed test. It's a self targeted power. Who's supposed to oppose it, and with what? I suspect a typo here.
However, it has a bigger issue. For a power with such steep requirements and sizable XP cost, it seems insanely weak. The x2 Psy rating bonus is not that impressive, especially not when Glimpse provides a higher bonus to most tests, and for less XP and lower requirements. And, with Revelations half action sustain, it's only real benefit to the action economy is the lowered risk of phenomena.
Add to this the int damage, which if soakable is rather pointless most of the time, or if not soakable a horrible, burning problem.
In short, for a badass power that requires both a Mark AND a psy rating of 5, it seems woefully lacking. Especially when one consider that for a 100 xp less and a psy rating of a measly 4, one can get flicker. The power that ensures you can doombolt with ease while remaining untouched by anyone not a psyker or Daemon. The two other powers with the Mark as a requirement is Bolt of change and Protean form, two equally heavy hitters.
Is it just me, or is Vile Revelation far too weak for the company it's supposed to keep?
Vile Revelation... does it kinda suck?
When compared to glimpse, vile revelation does kind of suck. I have no idea why they would make it as bad as it is.
Also, you cannot attack anything but other incorporeal creatures if you use flicker; but almost nothing can hurt you, you gain a +30 on stealth tests, nothing can imprison you (aside from void shields, gellar shields ect.) and you can fly.
Yeah, it's really weird. Least it's just not me!
Personally, I feel psychic powers fall into the category of "Special ability capable of affecting the mortal world", especially since Copax in the adventure in the back uses gholam's curse while flickered. I suppose one could read this that one can't use physical damage powers, but that's seems a very weird distinction to make, especially since there's still psychic scream and you can still Delude people into shooting themselves.
Also it's could possibly better than flight, according to the rule question answer I got about it. It's not the trait flight, so there's possibly no need to spend a move action every round.