Vancouver BC Agot Board game or LCG players ?

By SerArthurDayne, in A Game of Thrones: The Board Game


I am in contact with a few players in the Vancouver area and was curious if there are more of you out there. We hold regular games every week on different nights in New Westminster. The location is at my place very close to New Westminster sky train. It is very easy to get there, within one minute walking distance of the skytrain stop and my place is very large and can host a number of people.

My roommate and I plus a few other players are always open to others stopping by or to go out to tournaments or events with. We basically would like to try and help build the Agot LCG and Agot Board game community in the Vancouver area.

Once the community grows a bit more and we all get to know each other a little bit better, I will be hosting a tournament for LCG players with cash prizes sometime in late Feb or early March. So if you are interested please feel free to leave a message in this thread, PM me or send me a e-mail to [email protected].



Hey Matt,

I'd like to get in on one of your games, if the timing works. I'll email you


[email protected]