Kingsmoot - Sunday 5th Feb. Midlands, UK - GTG Games & Hobbies

By Arrdet, in 3. AGoT Organized Play

When we ran a Kingsmoot variant of the Multi-player AGOT game it was very well received. So, by demand we are offering the chance for players to bring their chosen faction to our tables and support their King.

On February the 5th this exciting variant will be be played from 12 midday and we expect fierce (as always) competition.

Our player-base is becoming more adept with the options presented by the factions and also understand the strategies that their opponents have to hand. Luck plays only a small part, this is about guile and consistency.

Come along to the event and enjoy a days worth of gaming and general AGOT chat! We play into the evening so there is plenty of time for additional Jousts and Melee.

Entry Cost for this Tournament is 3.00 for ALL players including Non-Members and no additional table charge is required.

We will be posting more about this event shortly. If you are interested in taking part please to sign up as it gives us an idea of what we need to accomodate.

Rules for this format can be found here:

Additional information to the rules from FFG:
For this event the titles will change hands at the following times;
- Lord of the Isles
- Commander of the Iron Fleet
- The Reader
These titles will change hands after the claim is settled but before power for unopposed challenges is awarded.

- The Crow’s Eye
Will change hands after unopposed power is awarded but before renown is awarded.

- The Pirate Marauder
Changes hands after initiative is won but before the first player is chosen.

- Priest of the Drowned God
Changes hands after Dominance power is awarded but before any passive or triggered actions can be used.

The games will end when one player achieves enough power to claim victory or when one player holds all six titles. Claiming victory through a power victory will count as an additional title. Each player at the table will then be awarded 1 point for each title they have.

The facebook event page is: if you want to ask questions or request additional information. If you plan to come you should keep an eye on this for updates.

Ed / Steve.

Looks to be a good number heading over for this. The start time is 12pm this time around, note that for our next event (Valar Morghulis) we will be kicking off earlier to allow for an earlier finish.