We play Black Crusade in a small group and have found an issue with the mighty power of dodge in some cases, especially with single shot weapons (such as a Stalker Bolter...corrupted of course). Even with a high ballistic skill and great rolls we found that 5 degrees of success meant nothing if the target could dodge. Sure, they can only do this if the KNOW the attack is coming but found it frustrating that the average guardsman basically had a 30% chance of outright avoiding the strike!
So...we decided to make called shots a little more than just a way to avoid hit location rolls (handy in some cases but nothing more than cool in most combat). What we proposed was this: if you make a called shot (-20 to skill test) then your target needs to generate more degrees of success on their dodge test than you did on your attack test.
With the penalty to hit this really only comes into great effect against plodding enemies or when your bonuses stack up to a great number (or that time you are feeling really lucky!). It also makes taking all those sharp shooter talents worth while as you can make a sniper type character that hits things.
Example - Renegade Marine vs Dark Eldar
Marine has a decent BS of 50 and uses his first half action to aim (+10), normal strike (+10) makes it 70 or less to hit with 1 shot. Factor in the Dark Eldars dodge (Ag 58) and he has a 58% chance of dodging you outright. This makes it about a 29% chance of actually landing a blow. Forget the fact you may get 4 or 5 degrees of success...or even one...the odds of hitting are the same.
Same again, this time with called shot. Aiming takes it to under 60 while the called shot drops this to 40...doesn't sound great until you realize that at least if you make the hit and if you do a better job shooting (more degrees of success) than he does dodging then the shot sticks . Yes he has a better chance to get a heap of successes...so the game remains balanced (i.e. he is still likely to dodge), but if he does a lame job dodging (rolls 50...making one degree of success) and you do a great job shooting (I did this the other night with a 01! = 3 degrees in this example) then it is a hit...rather than a lazy and badly executed...yet successful...dodge.
It was always frustrating to see a really good shot/roll amount to nothing just because the target only just passed their agility test.
Take all of the talents that reduce the penalty for called shots and suddenly you have a chance and single shot weapons suddenly becomes viable when tactically compared to a heavy bolter! It also makes called shots something that happens more than once in a blue moon when you encounter that Space Wolf walking around with his helmet off
Then again there may have been something we missed. Thoughts?
Thanks in advance.