For those of you who don't read GTM (Game Trade Magazine) they had an ad/article by FFG in their February issue about Descent Second Edition. Not a ton of new information, but here some points I found interesting, anything in italics is my speculation:
9 monster types
As opposed to having to remember status effects from tokens (which there will still be) you'll also receive a card with the rules for the effect. (Ex. Stunned card reads: Exhaust: Discard this card. This is the only Exhaust you may perform on your turn while you have this card.) Hooray for not having to remember what you have to roll on a die to get rid of a burn or bleed token or having to scour the books for the rule!
Turn markers are now replaced with a turn order card that has Heroes turn procedure on one side and the Overlords on the other.
There will be 20 quests, most divided into two encounters (Encounters = Two map setups?)
These quests can be played individually or as a campaign called: The Shadow Rune
Quote about campaign mode: "The emphasis on narrative, coupled with the campaign's many possible plot branches, creates the feeling of a living breathing Terrinoth" (Are we looking at something like the overlord making decisions in the set up like the Keeper in Mansions of Madness for campaign mode?)
We already know that there are four classes with 2 archetypes each. Here's some text for Knight and Berserker class cards for the Warrior archetype:
Knight: Shield Slam: While to have a Shield equipped (even if exhausted), all of your attacks with a Melee weapon gain: Surge: A single monster of your choice adjacent to you is Stunned.
Berserker: Whirlwind: Exhaust: You may perform an attack with a Melee weapon against all adjacent monsters. You make 1 attack roll; each monster rolls its own defense dice separately. (I hope the rules specify who gets to decide what order they defend in.)
For campaign mode the Overlord will also choose a class. Ex. Saboteur: a master or traps. (Can we assume there will be a master of creature's class and a master of spells/events class like the advancement in RTL?)
There WILL be a Curse of the Monkey God!
Lastly, the article lists the game as available March 2012.
I hope this info was helpful, please excuse my poor structuring of information and my use of the word "Exhaust" in place of their arrow card turning symbol.