So, I've had Black Crusade for a little over a month now and I am dying for a chance to run something. Unfortunately, my local group of friends have been very busy with their schedules and day-to-day lives and its hard for us to meet. I've decided I'd like to run a play-by-post game of Black Crusade. I'd only need three or four players, maybe more if I really do get that much interest. The campaign would be set in the Screaming Vortex, probably using Broken Chains as an opener (because I really do like the way it gets a group started) although without the pregen characters - that is, until someone really likes one of the pregens. Essentially, I'd like this campaign to be a sort of "vanilla" Black Crusade experience, since it'd be my first campaign with this line.
I'm not entirely sure yet what forum I'd be running this in. This forum here is an obvious choice but I'd hate to clutter up the FFG boards, when its really meant for talking about the game. has a good forum with a large play-by-post area, and I think that'd probably be the best choice.
If you're unfamiliar with the concept of Play-by-post forum games, check this out: