Will Dust Warfare add to or take away from Dust Tactics?

By Psykostevo, in Dust Tactics General Discussion

With the impending release of Dust Warfare, do you anticipate that adding to the experience of the Dust Tactics game?

Or are you afraid that it will draw the spotlight and take away from what the current game has to offer? As well as influencing future development and releases towards that specific style of gameplay.

Tawk amongst yourselves.

I think that Tactics will be the primary focus at least a first but I'm sure that FFG will always make sure any new unit is not broken in either setting.

I think the multiple options of how to play the game will pull in more people to the game.

madmaxknick50 said:

I think the multiple options of how to play the game will pull in more people to the game.


I think it has the potential to do both.

If Warfare builds on Tactics concepts, but keeps the core concepts intact, the two can become a symbiotic giant that can draw people in with either game, and allow a high level of crossover.

It would also allow FFG to develop the two games for a lower overall develoment cost, which would translate to less expense for them, and should pass on to us with lower prices.

If Warfare is a completely different game, paying only lip service to Tactics, then there will be some players that will play both, but the overall pool of players is more likely to split into separate camps. With altenate history WW2 being a niche market, that could hurt the player base for both games.

FFG would also have to pay more for development costs of two completely separate systems, which could drive the prices of the models up to offset those costs.

Gimp said:

I think it has the potential to do both.

If Warfare builds on Tactics concepts, but keeps the core concepts intact, the two can become a symbiotic giant that can draw people in with either game, and allow a high level of crossover.

It would also allow FFG to develop the two games for a lower overall develoment cost, which would translate to less expense for them, and should pass on to us with lower prices.

If Warfare is a completely different game, paying only lip service to Tactics, then there will be some players that will play both, but the overall pool of players is more likely to split into separate camps. With altenate history WW2 being a niche market, that could hurt the player base for both games.

FFG would also have to pay more for development costs of two completely separate systems, which could drive the prices of the models up to offset those costs.

That really depends on how much support they plan to put into Dust Warfare. If its only one or two books a year and the minis work for both games, its a pretty safe gamble.

If its going otbe codex upin codex upon codex of rules, it can back fire big time if the game is not appealling.

Dust Warfare core book, will probably be purchased by most Dust players (with a few hold outs) just to see the changes or updates or to see what they can steal for Dust Tactics. After that, its on its own.

As long as they don't go the full blown "Codex" route then I look forward to alternate rules. I like the fact that every rulebook and scenario book I own stacked is STILL thinner than one of my WH40K Codex. gran_risa.gif

As the posting on every site just shows a rule book it will probably be something like the following.

Squad movement and attack measuring, hopefully it just comes with some translucent ruler, some translucent "flame" attack guides for the 3 flamethrower ranges so far, different cannon AOE templates and an artillery attack AOE template.

Custom infantry squads... In other words they might have each individual unit 'priced' so we can make our own squads of 5 to 10+ troops for a certain point cost.

A big change in regards to how mechs take damage, possibly some sort of table where individual weapons, movement, etc can be disabled before it is completely destroyed. Pretty easy to implement so far; just have it roll a special table when it hits anything below half its hit points.

We also might have unit facing being a factor, probably not for infantry but walkers which would be fun and easy to manage.

Some rules on higher ground probably similar to how buildings work at the moment, maybe even having a range bonus/penalty for a certain height difference.

I like th eidea of larger squads, but then we are going to need a better way of calculating points.

I also dont mind the walkers tanking damage to mobility, sensors, weapons type stuff like AT-43 did, I just dont want to have to roll a bunch of specialty dice to compare results to a chart when a simple, normal D6 would do it so much faster! Yes, the specialy dice keep the tie to Dust Tactics strong and evident, but dont let that keep you from making the game simple and quick. 1 normal six sided dice used on a chart is not going to make or break the game.

I wouldnd mind codex books, but the would have to include real world units as well as Dust Models units.

Peacekeeper_b said:

I wouldn't mind codex books, but they would have to include real world units as well as Dust Models units.

Agreed. Dust is pretty light on background atm and something like this would help to expand the universe past what we know of the conventional side of WWII. Even a campain sourcebook similar to the FW IA books with camo schemes unit structures etc would be nice.

I am also hoping they don't go the codex route even if it would be nice to increase unit sizes but maybe they can do unit combo or such that grant special skills, like take 2 laser grenadiers and 1 heavy laser grenadiers and it grants them a skill or ability and it's like your getting a platoon that's just broken down into squads.

Hekal Xul said:

Peacekeeper_b said:

I wouldn't mind codex books, but they would have to include real world units as well as Dust Models units.

Agreed. Dust is pretty light on background atm and something like this would help to expand the universe past what we know of the conventional side of WWII. Even a campain sourcebook similar to the FW IA books with camo schemes unit structures etc would be nice.

That's it. Not "codex" books in the way we have sadly come to know, but sourcebooks which expand on background of factions, units and characters and which points out about the development of the DUST world. That would be nice, and approppiate.

All of you guys have great feedback. I can't wait to see the rules.