flare cards explanation

By wetdigestive, in Cosmic Encounter

Hi all;

Many apologies if this is an extremely noobish question...but guess what?! I'm a noob!

Ok, flare cards...can i only use them in a turn where I am either of the main players, or can they be used as an interrupt?

example; the flare cards that have wild flare abilities that state " any other player / any phase " ...can i slap down a flare when two other players are in their turn as an interrupt and,for example, mimic one of the main players artifact cards?

it seems that when they say that a flare can be used " once per encounter ", this can be used a lot as many players have many encounters?

if this can be answered then thank you in advance...or if there's already a detailed forum subject that fleshes this out,please link.

bye for now O/ O7 O/


A flare can be used any time it says it can be used. It will mention if you can only play it as a main player. Most you can play whether you are the main player or not.

Also, the only things which "interrupt" in Cosmic Encounter are Zap cards. Otherwise, cards and effects are resolved in the order they're declared. Sometimes, you'll have two things trying to happen at once. If they conflict, then refer to the Timing Rule, which is conveniently on the back on the rulebook.

If you really can't figure out how or in what order things should work, have your group come up with a ruling by vote or rock-paper-scissors or whatever. This won't happen very often, though!

Most of all, have fun! :D

Yes...thank you both for the clarification. I used the mimics flare ( not as the mimic himself,but with the wild variety ) while two other players were the main players going at each other. i had a ton of ships in the warp and after one of the main players had chosen a card from the discard pile ( the mobius tubes ) and played it i slammed the mimic flare down and grabbed the mobius tubes card from the discard pile. Someone had said " Wait...don't we only get to play flares if we are the main players in an encounter? " We couldn't find anything that said we couldn't,but it raised enough doubt that I had to post asking for clarification.

Thanks again...now go forth and colonize! :-)

- Wetdigestive.


I guess if a card says " as any player " used " in any phase ",it has pretty much become an interrupt functioning card by default,no? or does it have to be played at the beginning of any phase,and not somewhere in between? I'm not trying to split hairs,I'm just trying to be able to pass the exact information back to my gaming group.

- Wetdigestive.

It can be played any time during the phase, but it doesn't interrupt what someone else is doing.

While Magic was directly influenced by Cosmic Encounter, try not to think about Magic while playing Cosmic Encounter. You'll just get mixed up.