Minions and the Multiple Arms (X) Trait

By iridium4, in Black Crusade Rules Questions

The trait "Multiple Arms (X)" on page 141 reads: "This creature has more than one pair of arms. The exact number of arms is indicated in paranthesis (X), so a Genestealer with Multiple Arms (4) has four arms total . It gains...."

So, a genestealer, which has 4 arms, has the Multiple Arms (4) trait. That seems to indicate that a creature that does not have the Multiple Arms (X) trait actually has no arms at all. The "Minion of Chaos" talent allows for: Lesser with Multiple Arms (1-2), Normal with Multiple Arms (1-3), and Greater with Multiple Arms (1-4). However, the sample Tainted Servitor (a Normal Minion) does not have the Multiple Arms (2) trait, so by the Genestealer example, it should not have any arms at all. I'd think that would make using those two chainswords rather difficult.

That doesn't make any sense to me. Should the Multiple Arms (X) entry have read instead, "The exact number of extra arms is indicated in paranthesis (X), so a Genestealer with Multiple Arms (2) has four arms total"? Otherwise, it appears that every Minion that players build that they want to have arms and hands will need to use one of the Trait slots on Multiple Arms (X).

Any thoughts?

(Interesting to note that by the math of the Multiple Arms trait, the Genestealer would get three attacks a round even without Swift Attack or Lightning Attack as long as it had the Two Weapon Weilder Talent...)

In my opinion, yes. The multiple arms trait is for every extra arm above the normal standard pair, it grants an extra attack for every two extra arms above said pair and a genestealer with lighting attack and two weapon wielder has 3, not 4, attacks. Because it should only have Multiple arms (2).

This is, however, just house rule and extrapolation. It is, however, the one that strikes me as the most reasonable, all things considered.

Reverend mort said:

In my opinion, yes. The multiple arms trait is for every extra arm above the normal standard pair, it grants an extra attack for every two extra arms above said pair and a genestealer with lighting attack and two weapon wielder has 3, not 4, attacks. Because it should only have Multiple arms (2).

This is, however, just house rule and extrapolation. It is, however, the one that strikes me as the most reasonable, all things considered.

I agree with this 'house rule' 100%.