Using RT XP values for character levels instead of DH

By Cobramax76, in Dark Heresy House Rules

Ive decided to begin using RT experience point values instead of DH for a few reasons

1) my PCs spend a fair bit of time onboard ships dealing with events that take place there....

2) it definitely will slow level advancement down and give them plenty of XP to use to recover from the higher amounts of coruption and insanity that i delight in making them test against often demonio.gif thereby increasing the life expectancy of the characters

Now i have a few thoughts about how to run the initial character setup using the altered starting xp value. But i would like to hear other GM thoughts on this as well as some players if youd be so kind.

A few points first however...

1) ALL XP costs associated with gaining new skills/talents WILL be marked up to comparable RT amounts ( IE cost of 100xp becomes cost of 300xp..etc..)

2) As a standard im taking it as the 5000 initial XP are used to flesh out the characters starting background etc..etc.. and makes more sense as to why they wouldve joined the Inquisition since they would now have sufficient experience and skills/abilities to actually be worth something TO the Inquisition.

3) As for losing corrption and holding with the current ruleset...100xp / 1pt of corruption OR insanity removed ( should fleece the PCs of any extra XP each and it does NOT count against spent XP value totals for levelling up! ) This particular option will make the players THINK before they act..and try to find alternatives ( hopefully thereby being inquisitorial investigators instead of inquisitorial thugs )

Any thoughts etc?

Why don't you just use the rogue trader rules entirely then?