New GM seeking Players once again, Take 2!

By Nickthewarlord, in Dark Heresy

Hello everyone, I am a New GM to Dark heresy and I am asking for brave Adventures if they got what it takes to brave the grimdark future of 40k and join in the adventure. I have 4 open spots for any character type. I currently have a Guardsmen, but I will accept more. I use OpenRPG for Online dice rolls and if someone is kind enough to provide a vent we can use that too. But if not I have another voice program called Skype. My times are changing often due to RL but once a Week of play is possible. I currently live in the USA on the west coast. So then, Any takers?

If you are courageous to serve the Emperor and fight the good fight. E-mail character sheets to [email protected]


If your willing to take on a few newbies to the game along with one new to RPG's all together we might be able to get something together... Vent would be chat of choice

Just out of curiosity... Where are you from on the West Coast... Specifically if you are in California, what city?

I know some folks who want to play Dark Heresy in person.

I'm in England but would love to join you!

I'll DL skype or somesuch, what time of day would you be playing roughy, since I'm in 6th Form at the moment, I can do evenings, pretty much all of them :P

I am indeed interested, but there are several things I wish to know before attempting to agree that I would be able to do this with you guys. One, what days/times were you thinking? I currently have a DH group on Thursday nights, and I actually meet with them at my place, so thats a no-go for me. Also, how to "the rules" do you DM? Our group tends to use the rules as "guidelines" so that we may keep things more interesting. What types of characters would you like to welcome into your group? Do you want Guardsman, Adepts or what? Is there anything you DON'T want to play in your campaign? Do you allow inclusion of items from IH, CA and the other DH books?

Sorry if this seems like a lot of questions, but I just want to make sure that all parties involved enjoy themselves, and I am sure I am not the only one wondering. As for Vent... I have some friends who may make a room for us, I would just need to dicuss it with them prior

i'm also west california's lovely san fernando valley...