So I was playing Greyjoy Mill against Stark/Tully, I had two games and in both games I managed to mill my opponents deck Entirely by turn 6/7 but both times I lost by the thinnest margin, once on a single dominance and once on a single Distinct Mastery.
After the game I found out that my opponent was running a 70 card deck! I was Not amused, were his deck 60 card I would have milled him two or three turns earlier and probably had no problem winning!
I thought that this was just a downside to mill in casual play that Id have to get used to but then I read the tournament rules and it turns out that there is no max deck limit in tournament play either! I realise that Mill isnt really meant to eat your opponents deck (negative player experience and all that) but its still one of the stronger aspects of it and you cant ignore it, am I the only one who feels a bit screwed running a mill deck when all your opponent has to do is have an extra few cards and all of a sudden you have less of an impact on the game?