Time break down

By Batei, in Android

In real world time and not printed on the box publisher time, how long does this game typically take? How does the time range with 2, 3, or 4 players? I assume it takes longer with more players, but how much longer per player?

GrumpyBatman said:

In real world time and not printed on the box publisher time, how long does this game typically take? How does the time range with 2, 3, or 4 players? I assume it takes longer with more players, but how much longer per player?

I can about guarantee it takes longer per player. I should say, by guestimate, it takes an hour per player. This does not include set-up time or end-game scoring. This is how I understood it from others and their reviews, and maybe longer. In a week, I will have my copy and I will inform you how long it takes us after a couple of games.

Also, some cards are very unbalanced with only two-players, and it is easy to see if one of them is "obsessed" with a suspect. You will need the three-player prerequisite.