This might be the old school roleplayer in me talking, but the one thing I really wish the 2nd edition will fix is character death - resurrection rule. For me and my group the video game style "you die and resurrect in the town" rule is just silly and destroys the immersion of heroes struggling against the evil overlord and putting their life on the line to save the world. I understand that eliminating one player from the game completely after the death of his character is a poor choice, but maybe there could be some kind of other type of solution for the problem.
In Mansions of Madness a player can return to the game with a new character, which already is a much better choice. Still IF Descent 2nd edition is all about killing the heroes, then this will not work as it will be stupid for hero players to change their heroes constantly. I really don't know how to fix this if the the Overlord's only goal is to kill heroes as many times as possible. Maybe I should wish that there are alternative ways for the Overlord to win the game!?
At very least there should be an explanation why these heroes and undying and just bounce back from the grave. Must be very frustrating for the overlord to fight against these undying heroes.
What are your opinions on this?