enemy stronghold

By ZORAN VUJKE, in Runewars

Another question about enemy stronghold,I read some posts about this,but I still don`t have clear picture yet.Can any one describe me attack on enemy stronghold with zero enemy units step by step,what attacker do first,what defender do first and so on?

Thanks ahead!

1. Attacker invades hex with enemy stronghold.

2. Attacker draws cards for each unit type in sequence and resolves them (unless he has either knights or necromancers, there's little chance that resolving these cards will have any appreciable effect - note that I'm not familiar with all the expansion units, so there might be new ones that also matter.) Cards are still technically drawn for everyone as it burns through the fate deck, however.

3. Assuming the attacker has 5 or more strength in units left standing, he wins (3 or more if the stronghold was already damaged.)

Note that Tactics Cards can be played by both players as appropriate during this battle. There are a couple of such cards that the defender can use to give the attacker a little surprise, if he doesn't bring enough units to compensate.

Steve-O said:

Note that Tactics Cards can be played by both players as appropriate during this battle. There are a couple of such cards that the defender can use to give the attacker a little surprise, if he doesn't bring enough units to compensate.


- Summon Lightning, which would deal 4 damage to the attacker. (Also the defender, but if the defender has no units, there's no risk there). It can be especially nasty if you play two, dealing EIGHT damage!

- Scorched Earth. Doesn't really affect whether the attacker wins, but destroys the Stronghold so the attacker can't use it.

I'm sure there are a couple others that I'm not thinking of.

Note that attacking an "empty" stronghold DOES still count as a battle, so if you are using Mobilize, the other activation cannot be a battle.

Thank you guys for answers,now everything is clear!

Steve-O said:

1. Attacker invades hex with enemy stronghold.

2. Attacker draws cards for each unit type in sequence and resolves them (unless he has either knights or necromancers, there's little chance that resolving these cards will have any appreciable effect - note that I'm not familiar with all the expansion units, so there might be new ones that also matter.) Cards are still technically drawn for everyone as it burns through the fate deck, however.

3. Assuming the attacker has 5 or more strength in units left standing, he wins (3 or more if the stronghold was already damaged.)

Note that Tactics Cards can be played by both players as appropriate during this battle. There are a couple of such cards that the defender can use to give the attacker a little surprise, if he doesn't bring enough units to compensate.

Attacker does NOT win on STR 5 preocupado.gif

Nor does he win on STR 3 if the stronghold was already damaged.

The defender always wins during a tie.