New User Created Scenario

By TheKaiser33, in Tide of Iron

Definitively seems like a scenario worth testing. The forces seems equal in strength. US have benefit of more infanteri, and defensive position, while the german a slight edge in tanks, the US sherman dont show up until round 3, and german has a slight advantage in command points.

However, a quick question, how did you play the stug? Identical to a panzer, or with the houserule that a stug cannot perform a move&fire action? With 4 or 5 in armor?

We wound up playing the Stug the same as the Panzer. I realized after I posted the files that I didn't post the values for the Stug. It was a fun scenario to test. There are lots of line of sight rules in effect. Those American machine guns can really wreak havoc on the German infantry if the tanks aren't able to silence or pin them.