Looking for Meta & Game Stores in New York

By Tokhuah, in 7. AGoT Metagame Discussions

I am in New York early March with some time to see the sites between the 3rd-5th. We will be staying close to the center of the action because our primary reason for the trip is seeing a Broadway play staring Alan Rickman. Is there any AGoT Meta in the general vicinity of New York City and/or any world class game stores? Also, where can I get a slice?

Best pizza I had in NYC was from Lombardi's. It's Money in the Bank! http://www.firstpizza.com/

I figured one of the NYC guys would have posted by now, but maybe you are already in touch with them. If not, here's a link to their site I noticed in Twn2dn's sig:


Hope that helps!

This is extremly helpful. Thank you!

Edit: I see you are in San Diego. If you are ever in NorCal give me a PM. Not much of a meta in the central Bay Area but Endgame in Oakland is a T1 game store.

Sorry, I've been really bad about checking the meta game section of these threads...just got your email. We have a regular meet up Thursday nights in Manhattan close to Times Square (half a block away), and we meet every Thursday evening (usually ending around 11pm). We typically have 5-8 players on any given night. If Thursday doesn't work for you, I can shoot an email to the group and see if people are interested in meeting up another night. Just let me know which day you are thinking.

Tokhuah said:

Edit: I see you are in San Diego. If you are ever in NorCal give me a PM. Not much of a meta in the central Bay Area but Endgame in Oakland is a T1 game store.

Okay cool! Not sure when that will be but I'll keep it in mind. Same here if you're ever in SoCal! I actually got to go to Kublacon last year and had an AMAZING time! There's a facebook group called "Wardens of the West" that lists the meetups in the NorCal area so if you're on FB check that out if you're not part of it already!

UPDATE: Sorry I dropped off the map on this. A family member had some health issues that has forced us to cancel our New York trip. Nothing life threatening but enough to ground us. Hopefully we can make it out to the East Coast at some point.