I was interested in this game but after watching the introductory video on its main page, it seemed a little too similar to the actual StarCraft RTS. It kinda just seems like the videogame turned into a physical board game, instead of a board game based on the StarCraft universe. My cousin mentioned that often with board games based on other intellectual properties this occurs, but I was wondering what actual fans of the game have to say.
Too Much Like the Videogame?
I for one am of the opinion that SC is a good boardgame in and by itself. Sure it revolves around the different factions and their endless war against each other but, to look at it in a different way, so does chess.
Now while I have played the video game, I've primarily focused on the solo campaigns. However, I can say that the boardgame gives a different feel than the campaigns.
TheHil said:
I was interested in this game but after watching the introductory video on its main page, it seemed a little too similar to the actual StarCraft RTS. It kinda just seems like the videogame turned into a physical board game, instead of a board game based on the StarCraft universe. My cousin mentioned that often with board games based on other intellectual properties this occurs, but I was wondering what actual fans of the game have to say.
The game does simulate various unit abilities from the video game very well, but never at the expense of gameplay. SOme of the abilities were changed to fit the boardgame more. I had the same fears about boardgames based on intellectual properties being just a money grab, but this isn't the case with Starcraft - it does feel like a boardgame.
Yes, and another thing to note, in the expansion of the board game it only takes 1 dark templar to make a dark archon, where in the computer game it requires merging 2, but because of the high cost of the dark templar in the board game the only way to keep the costs manageable as to not cripple the protoss player, this particular feature was made inaccurate to the PC game.
So I think they did a particular good job of balancing out the game in itself as a board game, while still keeping it similar to how the PC game works. It is a good board game by itself, even if it didn't have the Starcraft logo on the front.
... Plus, author chose to change the focus from a single battlefield to a whole planetary system, which was an interesting move.
I think the SC videogame and boardgame are two very different experiences, no doubt about that.
True, I have some slight concerns regarding this game.
First is the sheer space it takes play
Second is that starcraft gamers are clearly at an advantage while discovering the game : for instance, they know all too well that the protoss Reaver packs a lot of firepower, but is unable to reach aerial targets, while the newcomer is still at the "Whatzefrakkiz a Reaver ?" step -XD-
Don't let that fool you, STCTBG has always been a great game for me.
I tried my copy last weekend. A really good game!
If you can get your hands on a copy of the game do so. It's not easy to get and I saw a copy over at Gothcon this weekend. Will be getting me the brood war expansion soon (order being made tonight).