Quick question about the rules laid out on page 208 for Focus Power Tests. There is a paragraph stating that it's a willpower test but it's upped by +5 bonus per point of psy rating. Then, in the paragraph following, it goes on to say that some focus tests are opposed tests using will power. My question is, does the +5 per point of psy rating bonus apply to the opposed tests?
Example: Delude with a 5 psy rating PC who has a base willpower of 50. Does the PC have an effective 75 willpower for the opposed test?
Secondly, I'm not really sure in what way PCs are to use the delude skill. My group has been using it in conjunction with decieve to soften the target. However, in the end, my group tries to decieve the character into acting against his better judgment. In the delude description it specifies that it cannot be used to force others to act against their better judgement, but how else would you use it? If you're trying to delude someone, obviously it's against their better judgement; otherwise you wouldn't have to delude them...
Example: (Delude Succeeds) Can they convince a Imperial Guard Lieutenant that they are his superiors because he now trusts them? (Decieve Succeeds) How about now?