How is this game doing?

By BranWheatKillah, in Dust Warfare

I've had a habit of getting into miniature games that don't have a solid community or lack releases (I'm looking at you Anima and Arcane Legions).

Does Dust Tactics get regular product updates and have a strong community? I noticed this forum doesn't have a lot of traffic overall.


Well, that is because you are on the Dust Warfare forum, not on Dust Tactics. Confusing but different. Dust Tactics forum s in the board game section because it is very loosely considered a boardgame. Dust Warfare is the tabletop rules converting it from tiles to a full tabletop mini's game. To answer your question, Tactics is very strong right now with monthly releases and a great community, definitely give it a try.

Hard for this game to be doing at all when it isn't released yet....

But that also means that it can't be doing bad either. happy.gif
