
By Nemezis2, in Black Crusade Rules Questions

Hi guys,

I was reading through the skills chapter and i got a doubt about the first aid action.

In the discription of the action there is no indication of a limit of times the action can be used, so, theoreticly, i could (given enough time) just roll first aid until somewone was completly healed?

There is a cap somewere? If not, the extended care action (and many others) are useless.

Damage can only be healed ONCE per WOUND taken. So if you take 3 different hits for 10, 3, & 1 then you could only be healed 3 times. The downside is that if you don't get a high roll for the 10 damage then you will still have HP missing that cannot be healed again without extended treatment. The only thing that I know that can get around this is the "FUELED BY SLAUGHTER" Daemon Weapon gift as you regain HP every time you kill something instead of being healed.

Could you cite a page source for this? As written, I have found no limit to first aid - which indeed, makes extended care unnecessary.

In order to help balance first aid and provide a usefulness for other forms of healing, our group uses the errata to medicae from Deathwatch:

"The First Aid use of the Medicae skill can be used to treat any number of untreated injuries with a single Medicae test. If successful, the Medicae test removes damage as detailed above. Once the Medicae test is performed, the injuries are treated (for better or worse) and cannot be treated with another First Aid test. They may be treated with an Extended Care Test." (From Deathwatch living errata document).

For example, if a character has sustained injuries such that they have received 8 damage, one Medicae test may attempt to heal that damage. If the Medicae test is able to heal, for example, 5 damage, the remaining 3 damage is considered 'treated damage' and can only be healed by extended rest or another form of healing, such as Prosanguine. If the medicae test is FAILED, all the damage remains but is still considered 'treated', and all of it must be healed through other forms, such as extended rest.


Your take on this subject makes a lot more sense them RAW.

I guess i will use it.


Jerrith said:

Could you cite a page source for this? As written, I have found no limit to first aid - which indeed, makes extended care unnecessary.

In order to help balance first aid and provide a usefulness for other forms of healing, our group uses the errata to medicae from Deathwatch:

"The First Aid use of the Medicae skill can be used to treat any number of untreated injuries with a single Medicae test. If successful, the Medicae test removes damage as detailed above. Once the Medicae test is performed, the injuries are treated (for better or worse) and cannot be treated with another First Aid test. They may be treated with an Extended Care Test." (From Deathwatch living errata document).

For example, if a character has sustained injuries such that they have received 8 damage, one Medicae test may attempt to heal that damage. If the Medicae test is able to heal, for example, 5 damage, the remaining 3 damage is considered 'treated damage' and can only be healed by extended rest or another form of healing, such as Prosanguine. If the medicae test is FAILED, all the damage remains but is still considered 'treated', and all of it must be healed through other forms, such as extended rest.

The page source for this is 283 Table 8-9. Nothing of Medicae was changed with the exception that chem-use was merged into it. So the errata for Medicae in deathwatch is correct and covers Medicae us in Black Crusade.

So would it then be advisable to keep a track of separate wounds inflicted in a combat for later patching, like note say a renegade takes three hits in a fight, doing 3, 2, then 5 wounds, he should note them separately? And then one medicae check each to heal them up if succeeded?

If you take any total of damage, from any number of hits, you can only be treated with "First Aid" once. After being treated you cannot be subject to any further first aid until you have taken more damage on top of that, and even then you can only have the new damage healed. Say you still had 3 damage after being treated in an earlier fight, and you were wounded later for 2 points (ending up with 5 damage), you can only have those 2 new wounds healed, even if the healer can normally heal more than that . Everything else can only be healed through extended care and natural healing.

Ah, I get you now. A bit of bookkeeping but it does prevent healing from being OP at higher levels.