Question about critters

By Chemical Dragon, in Dark Heresy Gamemasters

When reading through the section in the main rule book about villians and antagonists I noticed that some of the creatures and other enemies have some fairly large hitpoint values and I am wondering where these numbers are coming from. I have read the GM section of the book several times and never seen the origins for these numbers is there something I am missing and if so what page is it on?

p.s. Sorry if this is the wrong forum but I figured that this was the correct place to put this question.

I assume you're referring to daemonic entities? If so, that's your reason right there.

Daemonics and Bestial critters, actually.

Chemical Dragon said:

Daemonics and Bestial critters, actually.

As with all NPCs, creatures get whatever characteristics, skills, talents, traits and equipment is deemed appropriate to represent whatever you want the profile to represent. There's no defined system of number-crunching used to define how many wounds a Carnosaur or Servitor needs to have...

Ok, thanks for the help everyone happy.gif . Most of my rpg experience to date was with the D20 system and its rather rigid system for game balance, and with the "Storytelling System" used by White Wolf.