New Dominus Exxet Character Sheets

By Manabu.Agent039, in Anima: Beyond Fantasy RPG

I finished a new draft of the dominus exxet sheets, with a few additions:

Added in the New Skills (Sailing, Law, Tactics, Trading, Streetwise, Etiquette)

Added a box for Elan

Added a box for Languages

Added a box for Sanity

Added a box for Fame

Added a box for Background info (Backstory)

and rearranged the flow so that it would be more user friendly.

And after the last issue, i have uploaded this to megaupload, for convenience;


Contains: Main Page (preview below), Weapon/technique/minor psy page, ki/nemesis/martial arts page, equipment/backstory page, Major psy page, Magic page, Book of magic.


Hey, wondering if you could put this up another way. Since megaupload is now blocked by the us gov't. thanks