Dear fellow Gamemasters,
we are now playing Deathwatch weekly since it came out early last year.
I was quite moderate with giving XP and Renown, but the charas are now leveled out, meaning they are Rank 8 and all have a speciality(Watch Capitain, Champion etc) and the relevant stats are at max and most talents have been purchased(now by every single one, but eg. one has charm+20 the next one has mosts Lore Skills for example). 2 Times i allowed them to take elite advances for horrifying costs(Wall of steel for the apothecary at 3000 xp e.g.)
I habe now the question, is there something comming like Ascendation for Dark Heresy?!
And then the next question would be: What enemies for so mighty warriors, they are all ready now nearly invincible.(i left them stripped of all there gear several times to make it more thrilling)
Have you similar "problems"?! We do not want to start a new campain and i am worried that we start another RPG is there is no change.