Hi everyone,
I would very much like some help with a little dilemma of mine so to speak which is...why do I find Fury of Dracula so dull? Now this isn't a whine or a rant thread- if I don't like a game (and to be honest, I don't like Fury of Dracula) I see little point in whining at others on a forum. No, this is a thread to try and either help me like it or just to finalise the decision that "it's not for me". I've owned the game for a while now (about 5 years I reckon) and whilst my girlfriend always seems to like it when it (rarely) comes out- I try and keep it on the shelf as much as possible simply because my mind wanders quite early on. I had forgotten I even owned the game for a while but rummaging around for something in the garage lead to me spotting this game lying forlornly in an abandoned box in a corner and it inspired me to create this thread.
Now a little bit about myself. I first came into contact with Fantasy Flight Games towards the end of my university studies (around 2007ish). I was never big into board games (being from the UK the only games you really see readily for sale on the high street are Monopoly, Scrabble and Risk) but my girlfriend was. One day in town we both saw this game called 'Warrior Knights' so we decided that we would pick it up and give it a go with a housemate of ours (who really liked her boardgames as well). I was instantly hooked. The high quality of the pieces, the complexity of the rules and the politics of the game really drew me in and to this day I'm still a big fan of Warrior Knights.
Other board games followed in the years since; in rough order I believe it was Fury of Dracula, Blue Moon City, Doom, Twilight Imperium and more recently Battlestar Galactica and Blood Bowl Team Manager. All of these FFG games have several things in common- high quality components and great game play (Twilight Imperium and Battlestar Galactica rate amongst my favourites in particular) but Fury of Dracula stands out in my mind as the only game that I get bored with very quickly with me starting to feel like I'm wasting my evening as I play. Now why is this? This game has fans out there so either I'm missing something or I just really don't get it.
It's been quite a few years since I last played it so I apologise if I'm hazy with the details. From what I seem to remember we largely played 3 player games at the time and I remember finding the whole mechanic of searching for Dracula whilst exciting and interesting in theory, was inanely dull in practice (just my opinions chaps and chappettes, no offence is meant or intended). I also found having to manage multiple hunters a bit tedious (although that's probably more to do with there just being three of us at the time). Maybe it was because how Dracula was played (I think I was only ever a hunter in the 5-6 games we played) but I got the overall impression that nothing seemed to happen in the game. You spent a long time not doing anything (just stocking up on items whilst following a loose plan to cover the board) and when the night time phase came around- you might get a fight or two before *poof!* Ol' Pasty Face vanished into thin air and you effectively had to start over. This would repeat several times until the end when either the Hunters won, or Dracula won without much in the way of a climax (if memory serves Dracula won the most but I couldnt tell you an exact ratio- it wasn't anything so that to suggest that the game was inbalanced or anything so maybe 60/40 to Dracula?).
So I ask you ladies and gents- is it worth me getting it out for one more go after all this time and what can I do differently?