"0" initiative truely "0"?!?

By Pop811911, in Twilight Imperium 3rd Edition

I have played several games of TI and each time someone gets the Naalu Collective I do a double take on that "0" initiative ability.

I just read it as the Naalu could go first during the action phase of play and that the real number on the card determined the order which players picked strategy cards because if the Naalu can go first for that too...

Just wondering if that is how that ability is actually played! If anyone plays this differently then please give me some input because I don't want to play this game wrong!

The Speaker player still always gets the first pick of Strategy Cards and the Naalu player gets to pick in regular order going around from the Speaker token. The Naalu ability means that they always take their turn first regardless of the numbers printed on their Strategy Card. After the Naalu player goes, play proceeds in the regular order, going with the player with Strategy Card #1, #2, etc. until back to the Naalu player again.

To clarify: The Naalu Collective racial only effectivley change the initiative number on their chosen SC to a 0.

If you wish to go first ahead of Naluu, play the action card First Strike.

You get to move first, then Naluu and then the Strategy card order. gui%C3%B1o.gif

For the 2nd and later turns, Naluu goes first again. preocupado.gif