How can you handle a star system which has a warp rift during a game? I've tried to find information about warp rifts, but I couldn't found much.
Warp Rifts
Depends how valuable the rest of the system is - sure, a good pilot can make use of a warp rift to get in and out of a system, deep within a system's gravity well, but the problem is so can anything else. Certainly, I wouldn't want to set up a long-term project in such a system, unless the potential profits were huge. Wouldn't be a fun system for anybody who is psychically sensitive, either.
But for a quick raid - i.e. dash in, scoop up a hold full of precious metals, and get the hell out again before the rift disgorges something really unpleasant, that might be doable.
But what kind of stuff could happen to such a system or to ships who get to close to the rift?
Also, are Warp Rifts automatically detected by the ship augurs or they are subtle and invisible until you are too close to them?
tidal effects raising massive earthquakes on planets when they swing nearby, periodic plagues of insanity, rains of warpstone onto the planet below, waves of disease, drugs, blood, fire etc depending on which Ruinous Power is in ascendence...
Ships would suffer the same kind of thing, or suffer tewrrible damage if they dare go too close, or fail a Piloting test to enter...
as to detectabilty - up to you as GM - I'd make some kind of Psyniscience roll, to give the ship's psykers something to do.
Drhoz said:
tidal effects raising massive earthquakes on planets when they swing nearby, periodic plagues of insanity, rains of warpstone onto the planet below, waves of disease, drugs, blood, fire etc depending on which Ruinous Power is in ascendence...
Ships would suffer the same kind of thing, or suffer tewrrible damage if they dare go too close, or fail a Piloting test to enter...
as to detectabilty - up to you as GM - I'd make some kind of Psyniscience roll, to give the ship's psykers something to do.
Sound like very cool ideas and it gives me something to start working with. Thanks!
I would agree with the assessment that warp rifts are as detectable as you want them to be. I'd tend to lean on the side of them being detectable from a reasonable distance in general, though, since ships in this setting travel through the Warp. Navigational equipment (and particularly Navigators) are going to be sensitive to the fluctuations of the Warp by design, otherwise how would they get anywhere?
Of course, if you have a plot that calls for a ninja warp storm that the PCs don't detect until it's too late, by all means feel free to make up whatever excuses you want as for why it was indetectable. The Warp is chaotic and unpredictable by nature. Heck, you could have a warp storm that literally only exists for short periods, opening sporadically and not even in the same place each time. You could have the ship sailing through perfectly calm, open space and then suddenly BAM! Warp storm off the port bow!
As far as the effects of a warp storm, basically anything you can imagine is plausible. I figure a permanent warp storm will probably increase the likelihood of Chaos activity in the area, but that's not a given if you don't want it to be. Random ships could pop out of it at basically any moment - from the distant past or the distant future, old, new, or rusted up space hulks. Whatever you might want your story to have, a warp storm is a pretty good place for it to come from.
My players ship is possessed by a greater deamon, it as been bound to the ship for century behind a hidden wall. The deamon as started to gain power because the RT is a none believer fo the EMperor and does not support the prayer and waht not.
Recently, when ever they exit the warp and there is a deamonical presence near, a rift opens, (it is result of both deamon fighting to gain the others power, shoudl their deamon become strong enough, it will break their ship and transform it into a deamonship.
Anyway, the effet of my rift and warp anomaly are as follow:
1 - This rift acts like a warp sync hole, all powers and warp entity (not bound) are automatically sucked into it (strength of the entity vs size of the rift). When the rift reachs a critical point, it closes with a greate tidal shock wave in the normal world. It is rumored to be the most efficient way of banishing large entity if such rift could be created manually. The smaller the size fo the rift detected (from 20 kilometers to a needle point size) the strong it is, the needle size rift are abel to pull appart deamon ships, suck in a greater deamon from up too 2 warp travel days. (this type of rift is extremely rare).
2 - Warp acumulator, the anomaly attracts any bled off warp energy. Should it reach a critical point by accumulating too much energy too fast, the rift will explode outwise, destroying anything cought in it's path not protected from warp energy, leaving behind a massive warp incursion and a possible permanent localized warp storm. Any such anomaly are actively sought out by agents of Chaos as simple gruesome rituals will insure a massive explosion and a much more massive permanent warp storm or a possible new perfect rift.
3 - A perfect rift, a stable gate betwee both world. Still a pretty bad thing for anyone staying a long while in the visinity. Any warp creature will not suffer warp instability at a certain distance of the gate (based on the anomaly size). a Stable rift will automatically attract a warp entity plus a few lesser creatures and a 25% of attracting an enslaver plague and a 5% chance of a Legion of the Damned intervention on the side of the players. All psyker powers are pushed automatically, all psyker powers trigger an effect. Any thing within the system is constantly assualted by warp instability as if a psyker had pushed, roll 100% unmodified every day for new effect, deamonic possession will never affect the players themself.
4 - Trapped warp energy, because the frontier of the materium and immaterium is very thick here, Warp energy is trapped in the marterium, an anomaly is accumulating it, what is the origin of the anomaly is uncertain. Should a ship open a warp portal or a psyker trigger a pushed power, the anomaly will try to pass through the created link. For a psyker a psynescience roll shoudl tell him of is impending doom should he try to use is powers. (auto death for starship sized anomaly, your choice for human sized). Shoudl a ship open a warp portal close to the anomaly, the warp energy buffeting the ship are strong enough to break it to parts (-30 piloting and -30 to navigation roll or ship takes 2d10 direct damage no armor, 3d10 moral and population hit, 50% travel to unkwon destination). Deamon summoned around this rift take no warp instability check, but roll 15% chance of using up the rift energy and collapsing it. Same for psyker powers 15% chance power came from rift and sucked it dry, with no side effect to player. (this is the nastiest since your players are trapped in the system, alto my players liked that one when their new rival did an emergency jump to warp in system with this kind of anomaly, the sludge reejected from the warp left little to be identifable as a ship afterwards, this is how I used it or a good way to throw your players around by explaining , the tide was so storng it catapulted them way of their planed tracks).
5 - Stable warp tunnel, the players have found a pirceless discovery, a stable warp tunnel to another system. Shuttles can take the tunnel, alto any blank or psyker traveling in a shuttle will mean the shuttle never reappears on the other end.
I generated a sector using the Stars of Inquity rules on a 26x20 grid, and then marked out every system that had a warp rift. Whenever the Explorers use a warp rift to travel to another system with a warp rift, I cut down travel time but also incur the slight risk that the warp rift might spit them out somewhere else (in another system with a warp rift).
Edited by Crystal GeyserThat is some strong thread necromancy here friend, I dun even know in what context to take your post. Welp
Arise from the dead, my pretty, and obey my commands!
Remember that if a ship has active, working Geller Fields, it probably won't care nearly as much about a warp rift as you might think. The planets in the system, though, will probably see a much higher rate of mutation and daemonic incursion, and Raiders will likely see it as a target of opportunity, making the system a hotbed of piracy and possibly even the target of a full-on Chaos Warband.